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Emergency procedures

Wintec has a duty of care to all learners, kaimahi, and visitors while on our campuses to ensure their safety at all times. Below you will find our emergency procedures to follow if there are any occurrences.

In an emergency:
  • Please phone Emergency Services on 111 (Fire, Ambulance, Police).
  • For any campus or security concerns, please phone 0800 852 900.
  • Immediately act on evacuation alarm or instruction from Wardens.
  • Note, Fluorescent vests identify wardens.

Please let the Safety and Wellbeing team know if Emergency Services are called to campus. All kaimahi are responsible for reporting accidents, incidents, and hazards in a timely manner through our Vault system. You are the eyes and ears of Wintec, and from this reporting, Wintec is able to identify corrective actions and solutions to the issues raised.


If you are required to evacuate:
  • Leave the building immediately via the nearest fire exit (unless instructed otherwise).
  • Take your phone, keys, and wallets only if they are within reach. Do not go back to get personal items.
  • Follow the instructions of the Wardens at all times – assist people if asked.
  • If you need help to get out, wait in the smoke stop lobby, or stair landing until help arrives.
  • Guide any visitors out of the building.
  • Move quickly and calmly – keep noise to a minimum.
  • Do not use lifts, carry food, or drink.
  • Merge (like a zip) in the stairwells with occupants from other floors.
  • Assemble at the designated assembly point.
  • Advise a Warden if anyone you know is unaccounted for.

Do not re-enter the building until the Building Warden or Fire Service has given the all-clear.

After-hours evacuation:
  • Be prepared to act as Warden.
  • Know the location of the nearest fire alarm call point, emergency exit, fire alarm panel, and assembly areas.
  • Dial 111 to make a Fire call.
  • Check their floor is clear and report to the fire alarm panel to await the arrival of the Emergency Services.
  • Remain at the Assembly Area until the all-clear is announced.
  • If the fire alarm stops, it does not mean the emergency is over.
  • Normal routine may resume once the all-clear is received.
Accessibility evacuation procedure
For assisting a person with accessibility issues:
  • Relocate the person with a disability to a safe area (if safe to do so); this is generally a stairwell.
  • Ensure all doors are closed.
  • Report the location of the person to the Floor Warden.
  • Floor Warden to report the person's location to the Building Warden and Fire Service.
  • Find a buddy to stay with the person and/or ensure mobile phone communication.
  • If required, wait for the Fire Service Officers to come and assist.
For someone with accessibility issues:
  • If you can, go to a safe area; this is generally a stairwell.
  • Ensure that you close all doors.
  • Make sure that your Floor Warden knows of your presence and location.
  • Floor Warden to report your location to the Building Warden and Fire Service.
  • If possible, keep a buddy with you or have a mobile phone for communication.
  • If required, wait for the Fire Service Officers to come and assist you.
  • As soon as possible, Dial 0800 852 900 to inform our Security Staff of your location.
After an evacuation:
  • Review your safety plan. 
  • Ensure the Floor Warden and other staff members who work with you are informed of any changes required.


If you see, smell, or suspect a fire:
  • Walk, do not run, to the nearest safe exit.
  • Do not use lifts.
  • Do not push or crowd. Merge like a zip with occupants from other floors.
  • If you must leave the stairwell for any reason, feel the doors bottom to top for heat using the back of your hand. If hot do not open the door. If not hot, open the door slowly standing behind and to one side.
  • Proceed to the designated assembly area.
If you get caught in smoke:
  • Drop to your hands and knees and crawl to exit. Stay low to the floor as smoke will rise to the ceiling.
  • Hold your breath as much as possible.
  • Breathe shallowly through your nose and use dry clothing (shirt, jacket, etc) as a filter.
If you get trapped in a room:
  • Place cloth material around or under the door to prevent smoke from entering. 
  • Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire. 
  • Be prepared to signal from a window but do not break the window unless absolutely necessary.
If you are forced to go through flames:
  • Hold your breath and move quickly.
  • Cover your head and hair.
  • Keep your head down and eyes closed as much as possible.
  • If clothing catches fire: Immediately stop, drop, and roll.

Sexual assault 

If you are a victim:
  • Get to a safe place.
  • Phone 111 and ask for the Police, giving the exact location and details of the incident.
  • When possible, phone Security on 0800 852 900 or ask someone to ring for you and report the incident.
  • We recommend that you do not delay making a report.
If you are a witness:
  • Everyone is asked to assist in making the campus safe by alerting to suspicious situations and promptly reporting them.
  • If possible, immediately phone 0800 852 900 to notify Security Staff and report the incident, including the following:
    • Nature of the incident.
    • Location of the incident.
    • Description of person(s) involved.
    • Description of property involved.
    • Follow the instructions of the Security Staff.
  • Stay with the victim, providing comfort and support until Security Staff arrive.

Utility failure 

Computer network failure
For computer-related issues, phone 0800 4 946832 (Wintec) to contact our Service Desk. Advise your manager, if necessary.

Facilities failure (loss of power, lighting, water, elevators, building issues)
Please get in touch with Security by phone on 0800 852 900 and state the nature of the problem and location. Advise your manager, if necessary.

If there is a power or water failure within the building, please ensure that any equipment/taps being used during the ‘outage’ are turned off and/or disconnected.

Elevator failure
Familiarise yourself with these procedures in the event of ever being trapped in an elevator

What you should do if the elevator stops:
  • Remain calm. There is plenty of air
  • Press the Emergency/Bell button and wait for assistance.
  • If a phone is available, follow the instructions to seek help.
If you can see the elevator has stopped or is stuck:
  • If you think there may be a fault, phone Security on 0800 852 900 and report if there may be people inside the elevator.
  • Remain calm. If anyone is inside the elevator, they may be anxious. If you can, advise the occupants that you have assistance on its way.
  • If at all possible, remain at the site until help is there.

Suspicious parcel, persons, activity

Suspicious parcel
  • Stop what you are doing and put the item down.
  • Do not smell, touch, taste, shake, or empty the contents of the article or substance.
  • Turn off equipment that could disturb airflow, eg fans or air conditioning.
  • Where there is a likelihood of contamination, stay where you found the article and step two metres away. This includes any people directly next to you.
  • Phone 0800 852 900 and request assistance from Security Staff. Provide as much detail of the item as you can. Do not use a mobile phone in close proximity.
  • If anyone is contaminated, isolate the person and call for medical assistance.
  • If possible, ask a co-worker who was not in the immediate area to notify the Manager or person in charge immediately, who will arrange a temporary cordon of the area.
  • Do not allow co-workers into the isolation area unless it is an emergency.
  • Follow any further instructions from the Manager or another person in charge.

Suspicious activity or persons
  • Phone 0800 852 900 and request assistance from Security Staff, giving the exact location and nature of the problem.
  • Alert other staff if possible.
  • Observe the situation and report to Security Staff when they arrive.
  • Security Staff will alert Police if necessary.

Unauthorised media
  • Do not give information or be engaged in conversation.
  • Phone 0800 852 900 and request assistance from Security Staff.
  • Security Staff will advise the Director of Communications.

Bomb threat

Keep calm and always treat any threats as genuine. Please follow these steps:
  • Listen carefully and get information. Do not interrupt the caller.
  • Report the threat immediately; phone 111 for Police. Answer any questions as best you can and follow any instructions.
  • When possible, phone Security on 0800 852 900, noting the exact threat from the caller.
  • Notify and evacuate staff verbally if necessary and possible.
  • Do not activate any fire alarms (unless directed to do so by Police).
  • Do not use cell phones or radio transmitters (RTs).
  • Do not touch or move any suspicious object.
  • Once evacuated, disperse as far away from the building as possible.
Keep the person talking and note answers to:
  • When will the bomb explode?
  • Where did you put the bomb?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • What does it look like?
  • What will make it explode?
  • How long has the bomb been in position?
  • Where did you put the bomb?
  • Also, note any background noises, the caller’s speech, accent, or other traits.

Gas leak

If there is a gas leak:
  • Do not activate building alarms, use mobile phones, hand-held radios, electronic equipment, or light flammable materials.
  • Shout a warning to those nearby.
  • If safe to do so, turn off the ventilation, machinery, and ensure that naked flames are extinguished and check that the nearest gas isolator switch is off.
  • Evacuate the building immediately, avoiding the area of contamination as best as possible, and close doors.
  • After you have evacuated, phone Security on 0800 852 900 and report the gas leak giving the location and type of material involved. Security Staff will respond and arrange any emergency/medical or facilities management assistance required and commence evacuation of the building.
  • Follow any specific departmental emergency management plans, for example, Engineering and Trades Emergency Response Procedure, after activating the above.

Hazardous chemicals/materials

If there is a release of a hazardous chemical or material, immediately:
  • Remove anyone in immediate danger if safe to do so. Do not allow other people in the area. If anyone is contaminated, set up an isolation area. If available, and only if it is safe to do so, put on personal protective equipment, observe and support the person until Emergency Services arrive. 
  • Isolate the hazardous release by clearing the area and closing any doors. If safe to do so, turn off isolator switches, ventilation, and machinery. 
  • If possible, phone Security on 0800 852 900 and report the release giving the exact location and type of material involved.
  • Do not risk contact with the material or allow spread. Do not touch, smell, or taste.

Information on managing minor chemical/hazardous material spills or releases can be found on Material Safety Data Sheets within each department site.

Active shooter

The following instructions are recommended in response to the sound of gunfire, the report of a shooting, or witnessing a shooting event.

If the shooter is inside the building and you can escape:
  • Do so by the nearest exit or window.
  • Notify anyone you encounter to exit the building immediately.
  • Evacuate to a safe area away from danger and take protective cover.
  • If you get out of the building and do not see Police, phone 111 immediately. Once Police are notified, and it is safe to do so, phone 0800 852 900 and report the activity.

If you are unable to escape the building:
  • Move out of hallways and into an office or classroom and lock the door.
  • If the door does not lock, barricade it with whatever is available.
  • Turn off the lights.
  • Stay away from doors and windows. If possible, phone the Police on 111.
  • Silence cell phones.
  • Wait for the Police to come and find you.
  • Do not answer the door or respond to commands until you are certain they are issued by a Police Officer.

If the shooter enters your office or classroom:
  • If possible, phone the Police on 111.
  • If you cannot speak, leave the line open so the Police can hear what is happening.
  • If you are hiding and escape is impossible, attempts to negotiate with the offender may be successful.
  • Playing dead is also a consideration.
  • Attempting to overcome the offender with force is a last resort but could be used in extreme circumstances.

If you are outside when a shooting occurs:
  • Drop to the ground immediately, with your face down as flat as possible. If within a few metres of a safe place or cover, duck and run to it.
  • Move or crawl away from gunfire, trying to utilise any obstructions between you and the gunfire.
  • When you reach a place of relative safety, stay down and do not move.
  • If possible, phone the Police on 111.
  • Wait and listen for directions from Police.

Aggression/hostage situation

If you witness or experience aggression, obey instructions and keep calm:
  • Remove yourself and others from immediate danger if safe to do so.
  • Ensure the safety of kaimahi, learners and any visitors.
  • Observe the aggressor for:
    • Physical features or clothing worn.
    • Distinguishing features, voice, or tattoos.
    • Any weapons.
    • Anything touched or taken.
    • The escape route, vehicle, assistance.
  • When possible, phone Security on 0800 852 900 and report the incident, giving the exact location and details of events.
  • State if medical assistance is required.
  • Write down all you observed.
If you are witness to a hostage situation:
  • Ensure personal safety. Do not become a hostage yourself.
  • Phone Police on 111 and give the exact location and details of events.
  • When safe, phone Security on 0800 852 900 and report the situation, giving the exact location and details of events.
  • Secure immediate area. Close doors.
  • Observe:
    • Number of persons taken.
    • Number and description of captors.
    • Any weapon.
  • Document any threats or demands, if possible.
  • Request all other witnesses to remain until Police arrive and speak to them.
  • Restrict entry to the area until Police or Security Staff arrive.
  • Do not speak to media.
If you become a hostage:
  • Follow the captor’s instructions.
  • Speak only when spoken to.
  • Be as calm as possible, as the captor may use your emotions to their advantage.
  • Sit down, if possible, to avoid appearing aggressive.
  • Do not make any suggestions to the hostage-taker.

First aid and CPR

Quickly assess the scene:
  • Is it safe for you to help? Assess the person; are they unconscious, breathing, or bleeding?
  • Do not move the person unless for their immediate safety.
    Bleeding: Stop bleeding by applying direct pressure with a dressing/pad and elevating the limb.
    Burns: Remove any jewellery on the affected limb and apply cool (running) water for at least 20 minutes.
    Breaks: Gently support the fracture to prevent movement. Seek medical assistance.
    Heart Attack: Phone Ambulance immediately on 111. Send for the Defibrillator and apply CPR if required (see below).

    Unconscious: Check breathing and heartbeat are present. If yes, place in the recovery position and cover with a blanket or clothing. Phone Ambulance on 111 and seek medical assistance.

    If serious:
    • Phone Ambulance on 111, giving the location, address, building number, and entrance gate.
    • Say what appears to be wrong.
    • Stay with the person.
    • When possible, phone security on 0800 852 900.
    • If possible, someone else to guide the emergency responders to the location.
    If minor:
    • Request assistance from a first aider.
    • Give first aid if possible.
    • Stay calm and seek help if needed.
    If no signs of life start CPR and send for the Defibrillator immediately (locations marked on campus maps):
    1. Airway: Tilt head, lift chin, check breathing.
    2. Breathing: If not breathing, give two breaths.
    3. Circulation: If still not breathing, locate hand position on chest, Continue with cycles of 30 chest compressions to two breaths.

    Natural disasters (earthquake, tsunami, flood, tornado, severe storms)

    If you are inside:
    • Duck or drop to the floor.
    • Take cover under sturdy furniture. If that is not possible, seek cover against an interior wall or doorway and protect your head and neck with your arms. Avoid dangerous spots near windows, hanging objects, partitions, and tall furniture.
    • If you take cover under sturdy furniture, hold onto it and be prepared to move with it. Hold position until the ground stops shaking and it is safe to move. 
    • Do not run outdoors or use elevators and follow any directions from the Wardens.
    If you are outside:
    • In an open area: Move to a clear area if safe to do so. Avoid falling hazards. Drop, cover, and hold. Protect your head and neck. Follow instructions from emergency personnel.
    • In an elevator: If power fails, elevators will stop, and the lights will go out. Be patient and try to stay calm. Emergency personnel will rescue you as soon as possible.
    • In a vehicle: Pull over and stop in a clear area. Avoid overpasses, power lines, and structural hazards. Stay in your car.
    After the shaking stops:
    • Be aware and expect aftershocks.
    • If you are inside:
      • Do not evacuate immediately and access your surroundings.
      • Check yourself and others for injuries.
      • If you feel unsafe, evacuate carefully.
      • Take keys, personal items and emergency supplies only if convenient and safe to do so.
      • Follow instructions from emergency personnel and/or the Wardens.
    • If you are outside:
      • Stay clear of buildings, trees, and possible falling structures.
      • Do not go inside.
      • Follow instructions from emergency personnel and/or the Wardens.
    In a significant earthquake, be prepared for many streets and buildings being closed due to damage or to enable emergency services. Phone systems may be severely impacted and limited to emergency calls/texts only. When possible, activate your personal or whānau emergency plan.

    A tsunami consists of waves, and the danger may last several hours. It is important to know where the highest ground is and how to get there. Once you get to a place of safety, be prepared to wait before enacting your personal or whānau emergency plan.
    If you are inside:
    • Do not evacuate your workplace unless instructed to do so.
    • If told to evacuate, do so immediately. 
    • Follow the instructions of your Wardens at all times. 
    • Move inland to high ground. If there is no time to evacuate, all occupants must evacuate vertically and move as far up the building as possible.
    If you are outside:
    • Move inland to high ground. 
    • Go at least 2km inland, or 35 metres above sea level. 
    • Do not go down to the waterfront under any circumstances.
    Floods are our number one hazard in terms of frequency, losses and declared civil defence emergencies. Some areas are more prone to flooding than others, but many people have the possibility of being impacted by a flood event in the region. During a flood or if a flood is incoming:
    • Listen to the radio for updates and advice. 
    • Ensure you have a getaway kit and be prepared to evacuate quickly if necessary. 
    • Put your emergency plan into action. 
    • Water supplies can be contaminated, so store as much drinking water as possible. 
    • Do not attempt to walk or drive through flood waters unless necessary, and it is safe to do so.
    • Returning home may not be safe even when the floodwaters have receded. Continue to listen to your local radio station for civil defence instructions.
    Volcanic eruption
    In the occurrence of a volcanic event:
    • Listen to the radio for updates and advice
    • Be prepared to evacuate quickly if necessary. 
    • Stay out of designated restriction zones.
    • Seek shelter in a building or car and stay inside.
    • Volcanic ash is a health hazard, especially if you have respiratory difficulties. Close all windows and doors, and place damp towels in gaps to limit ash entry.
    • If you must go outside, use protective gear such as masks and goggles and keep your skin covered if possible.
    • Water supplies can be affected, so store as much drinking water as possible.
    • Follow instructions from emergency personnel.
    Severe storm/tornado
    In the occurrence of a severe storm, weather event, or tornado:
    • Listen to the radio for updates and advice
    • Move away from exposed rooms and windows, and close curtains/drapes/blinds.
    • Take shelter, stay inside, and do not travel unless you have to.
    • Be aware of falling or flying hazards. 
    • Protect your head and neck.
    • If the power fails, remain calm.
    • Follow instructions from emergency personnel.

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