With a diverse group of learners/ākonga, staff/kaimahi and visitors coming to our Hamilton campuses daily, parking at Wintec is in demand. Payment and a Parking Permit may be required to park your car on our campuses as follows:
Campus location | Parking Permit required | Payment required |
Hamilton City | Yes | Yes |
Rotokauri | No | Yes |
Hamilton Gardens | No | No |
Care Park, an external contractor, monitors our City and Rotokauri campuses daily. Failure to pay for parking or display a valid permit can result in a fine and/or towing. Please familiarise yourself with the parking terms and conditions, as failure to pay for parking or display a valid permit can result in a fine and/or towing.
Paying for your parking
- Downloading and using the Parki App (available in the App Store or Google Play)
- Using the parking machines around campuses (parking machines will print a receipt for each transaction, but these do not need to be displayed on your vehicle).
Please note: Effective Monday, 21 October 2024, the parking machines will no longer be accepting cash payments.
Parking costs $1.00 per hour, with a maximum cost of $6.00 per day during business hours (Monday to Friday, 8am to 4.30pm). Outside of these times, it is free.
We recommend using the Parki App as it is the easiest way to pay for parking. Click the play button below to watch a walk-through on how to install, register and use the Parki App:
How to get a Parking Permit
A Te Pūkenga Parking Permit is required to park at our City Campus only. This permit is free and you need to display this inside your windscreen. This permit allows you to look for a park on the Campus, but it does not guarantee a car park.
If you already have a green 2023 Parking Permit, this is still valid for 2024. If you do not have a parking permit on your car, or have one dated 2022 or earlier, you will need to get a new permit:
- Complete the Student Parking Permit Form. You will need to sign in using your Wintec student username and password and provide your car registration number, make and model.
- Collect your Parking Permit sticker from the Student Enrolment and Information Centre located in A Block on the City Campus.
- Attach your Parking Permit sticker to your vehicle's inside windscreen, just above the registration label, on the passenger side.
If your permit is lost, stolen or damaged, please get in touch with the Student Enrolment and Information Centre. There is no cost for replacement permits.
Accessibility parking
If you have an official CCS parking permit, this must be displayed when parking in a mobility space. For other accessibility parking options, please get in touch with Manaaki Ākonga - Student Accessibility Services. Please note, payment procedures will still apply.
Visitor parking
Visitor parking is free for up to two hours without requiring a permit in designated visitor parking. If more than two hours is needed, you can organise a booking through a Wintec | Te Pūkenga kaimahi. Kaimahi and ākonga are not permitted to use visitor parking spaces from Monday to Friday, 8am-4.30pm; however, they may park in the visitor car parks outside of these times, on weekends and public holidays.
Motorbike, bicycle and scooter parking
There are free parking areas at each campus and they do not require a permit. Find out more about the designated motorbike, bicycle and scooter parking spaces below.
Where to park
City Campus
Parking is available in any non-reserved parking space on campus for those displaying a current parking permit. These areas are sign-posted and shown on the campus map below.
Alternative parking can be found at 96 Tristram Street (behind BP). There are 31 parks available for both kamiahi and ākonga, however, the Parki App must be used at this site. We also hold an agreement with Wilson Parking on Alexandra Street (opposite X Block and David's Emporium) for discounted parking. To receive the discounted rate of $7.00 per day (increasing to $8 per day on 10 June 2024), take your parking ticket to one of our validator units located in X Block, School of Media Arts, or beside the Student IT helpdesk in the Hub and pay for parking using the parking building’s usual processes.
Check out the Hamilton City Council parking page for other parking options in the city centre.
Scooters and motorbikes
Designated parking areas can be found outside Wintec Apartments in Gate 3 off Tristram Street and beside E Block through Gate 2 off Tristram Street. Look for the MC signage on the ground.
Bicycle racks can be found all around the Campus, including beside the C Block car park, outside Wintec Apartments and on the hillside of the Gallagher Hub.
There is also a secure bike cage on the ground floor of the multi-storey car park on Nisbet Street for kamiahi and ākonga to use. Access is 24/7 on a semester-by-semester basis using your ID card. Please visit the Security office with your ID card to set this up. We reserve the right to dispose of any abandoned bicycles. Please help us keep your bicycle secure by locking it and ensuring the gate is closed.
Rotokauri Campus
Parking is available throughout the Rotokauri campus. Parks are sign-posted and indicated on the map below. You can also park for free on Gilchrist Street and Akoranga Road – these are public roads managed by Hamilton City Council, and parking will be enforced as per road markings, signs and bylaws.
Please note, Car Park 3 off Gilchrist Street is for visitors only. This area is monitored and sign-posted accordingly. Kamiahi and ākonga are not permitted to park here during the business hours stated above.
Scooters and motorbikes
Designated areas are outside the Fleet Compound/Car Park 1 for kamiahi and ākonga, and behind Q Block. There is no payment required.
Bicycle racks are free-of-charge and located outside the Security Office and by L and Q blocks.
Hamilton Gardens Campus
Note: Please do not park in the Ward Street Car Park. This is no longer a car park for Wintec | Te Pūkenga. Find designated parking areas on our campus maps.
Parking terms and conditions
By using a Wintec | Te Pūkenga car park, the vehicle owner agrees to abide by our and Care Park's parking terms and conditions outlined below, on display in the parking areas and in the Wintec | Te Pūkenga Parking Operating Procedures.
Parking is enforced Monday to Friday, 8am to 4.30pm, all year by Care Park. Please read all the terms and conditions, as vehicles may be issued with a payment notice (fine) or towed without warning at the vehicle owner's expense if they are in breach.
- Users park at their own risk. Wintec | Te Pūkenga take no responsibility for any loss, theft or damage resulting in using car parking spaces on any Wintec | Te Pūkenga owned or controlled site. Users are encouraged to take the necessary precautions when leaving their vehicles unattended.
- Payment must be made where required using the Parki app or pay machines.
- Parking permits must be displayed where required. Permits are not transferrable to anyone else; they are for use by the person issued with the permit.
- Permits are valid for no longer than the length of ākonga study or kaimahi employment and must be removed from your vehicle once study or employment ceases.
- Falsification of permits or payments may result in revocation and disciplinary procedures.
- Ākonga and kaimahi can not park:
- In areas marked 'reserved', 'courier', 'mobility', 'Kaumātua', 'doctor', 'loading zone', or any other reserved spaces. This includes areas marked 'visitor' during the hours mentioned above.
- Blocking an access way, on yellow lines, blocking other vehicles, or in a manner likely to obstruct other traffic or emergency vehicles.
- On grassed areas or any other non-designated parking area.
- The payment of any fine or towage fee is the responsibility of the vehicle owner.
- The speed limit is 15km/h for Gate 3 of the City Campus and 20km/h across the remainder of our campuses.
- Drivers are required to give right-of-way to pedestrians at all times.
- Noise levels (eg stereos, motors) are to be kept to a minimum.
These Terms and Conditions are also on display in the parking areas:
Please note, we reserve the right to review parking fees, areas, terms and conditions at any time.
Bus transport
Catching a bus is an environmentally friendly way to travel, and there are several bus routes in Hamilton and Waikato that come onto or near our campuses.
Our Hamilton City Campus is located in the heart of the CBD and is a few minutes walk from the Hamilton Transport Centre. There are two bus routes that stop within a short walking distance of our Rotokauri Campus. The Hamilton Gardens Campus has a bus stop located right outside the centre in Gate 2. Please check out the BUSIT website for information on fares and specific bus routes.

If you are 13-24 year-olds or have a Community Services Card, the government’s new Community Connect concession provides half-price fares plus reduced or free fares for some other groups. Find out more here.
Bus better with a Bee Card
Bus subsidy
Please note the BUSIT discount scheme for ākonga (learners) and kaimahi (staff) with a current Bee Card finished on 31 December 2023. From 1 January 2024, ākonga and kaimahi will be charged the standard advertised rates for all BUSIT bus and train services.
Campus security
Security staff are available at the City Campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and Rotokauri Campus, from 6am to 10pm Monday to Friday. Security Patrols take place through the night, weekends and public holidays. The contact details below may be used to contact security in an emergency.
Security can help with:
- unusual and suspicious behaviour,
- hazards around campuses,
- lost property,
- problems with students or staff,
- escorting you to your vehicle in the evening,
- organising Staff ID cards.
- Enrolment services organise student ID cards.
- If you need help and are unsure who to ask, we'll point you in the right direction.
In emergencies, call 111 immediately.
Once emergency services have been notified, please contact Wintec Security on the campus contact numbers below. Emergency telephones are mounted in two locations on the City Campus:
- On the steps between A and B Blocks
- Level 1 entrance to the multi-storey car park on Nisbet Street
City Campus Security: 0800 852 900 or ext. 9000 (24 hours a day)
Rotokauri Campus Security: 027 477 9985 or ext. 4041 (6am-10pm, Monday-Friday)
Frequently asked questions
What if I have paid for my parking and I leave early?
If you have paid via the Parki App, you can stop your session and only get charged for the time you actually used.
Can I move my car to another campus if I pay for parking at one campus?
Yes, as it is within the time you have paid for. Note, if you move your car to the City Campus, you will need to ensure you have a permit displayed to avoid receiving a fine for not displaying a valid permit.
Can I get another permit if I have more than one car that I sometimes bring to the City Campus?
Yes, you can apply for more than one permit if you have more than one car that you will bring to the City Campus.
Where does the bus stop?
To travel to the Hamilton City Campus, get off the bus at Hamilton Transport Centre. The City Campus is a few minutes walk South on the corner of Ward and Anglesea Street. There are two bus routes that stop within a short walking distance to the Rotokauri Campus. Please check out the BUSIT website for more information.
1. The Orbiter route does a clockwise and anti-clockwise circle of the city and has a bus stop in Foreman Road.
2. The Nawton route (9) goes from and to the Hamilton Transport Centre and has a stop in Foreman Road.
What public transport options are there to get to the Rotokauri Campus?
There are two bus routes that stop by the Rotokauri Campus. Please check out the BUSIT website for more information.
1. The Orbiter route does a clockwise and anti-clockwise circle of the city and has a bus stop on Foreman Road.
2. The Nawton route (9) goes from and to the city transport centre and has a stop in Foreman Road.
What accessibility support is there for passengers?
While there will be some people with a disability who are unable to use conventional scheduled public transport, a growing proportion of the BUSIT urban bus fleet have super-low floors which are more accessible. BUSIT also supports Total Mobility, a door-to-door national transport scheme.