Wintec Covid-19 latest update
The Covid-19 pandemic is evolving worldwide. The health of our students and staff is a priority and we will continue to update you on the situation and the latest advice from authorities. Key sites to visit for the latest information and advice are:
4 May
Covid-19 Update – On-campus at Orange setting

- For indoor or outdoor gatherings, there are no longer any capacity limits or vaccine pass requirements
- For most areas, including classrooms and the Hub, face masks are now strongly encouraged, not required
- You’ll still need to wear a mask in the following public-facing areas:
- Wintec Health Services
- Windows Restaurant
- Wintec Vet Clinic
- Urban Hair and Spa
- Wintec Biokinetic Clinic
- On public transport
- Stay home if you’re sick.
- Wear a mask, especially when you’re unable to socially distance.
- Get tested for Covid-19 If you’re sick with cold/flu symptoms.
- Follow Ministry of Health guidance and report your RAT Test results.
- Tell us using this form so we can help support you.
Ngā manaakitanga
13 April
With the removal of vaccine passes last week and QR codes now being optional, you’ll notice some things are slowly starting to move back towards some level of pre-Covid normality, like our Hub seating. We look forward to seeing a bit more buzz around the campus as things start moving back towards more ‘on-campus’ life post-Easter.
Please remember to register all positive COVID tests with both MOH and Wintec. You can let us know via the form on the Wintec website banner, so we can help make sure you can access all available welfare support (including food and medicines).
Keep safe and remember to stay away from campus if you’re sick, keep up the social distancing and use masks where appropriate.
Ngā manaakitanga
The Wintec team
4 April 2022
Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback on our proposal to cease the Wintec Covid-19 Vaccination Policy. We value all the feedback you have provided.
We received survey responses from 525 ākonga and 241 kaimahi. Overall, 69% of people who completed the survey supported removing the vaccination policy for ākonga and 67% supported removing the vaccination policy for kaimahi.
Wintec, alongside Te Pūkenga, has decided that kaimahi, ākonga or visitors are not required to provide proof of vaccination status to enter Wintec workplaces or engage in the learning and work activities of Wintec from 5 April 2022, unless deemed through legislation or further changes to the risk assessment.
This change will mean the Ko Ngā Tikanga Mate Korona COVID-19 Vaccination Policy will cease from 11.59pm tonight 4 April 2022.
The decision to cease the Vaccination Policy was not one Wintec took lightly. It was made after carefully considering many factors, including the significant amount of feedback we received.
We appreciate that the cessation of this policy will make some ākonga feel uncomfortable. We want to assure you that we continue to take the wellbeing of our Wintec whānau, and our obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act, very seriously.
Wintec closely follows the Government, WorkSafe NZ, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education’s advice on managing Covid-19 in the workplace and on tertiary premises. We will continue to encourage kaimahi and ākonga to follow all the recommended public health measures.
As always, if you are one of our students and are concerned please speak to your tutor regarding your options. If you are vulnerable or at risk, we want to understand your specific circumstances to support you in whatever way we can to both feel safe and minimise your risk while on the Wintec campus.
We appreciate that there are differing opinions out there in regard to Covid-19 vaccination. We would ask that everyone please be kind to one another. Remember, we are all in this together.
Ngā manaakitanga
From the team at Wintec.
31 March 2022
The Government recently announced updates to the Covid protection framework, including removing the requirement for vaccine passes for tertiary campuses under the current ‘Red’ setting.
As a result of these changes, Wintec is reviewing the ongoing requirements for our Covid-19 Vaccination Policy and proposing that we adopt the following default position, which will mean the removal of our Ko Ngā Tikanga Mate Korona COVID-19 Vaccination Policy:
Unless deemed through legislation, risk assessment or work placement requirements, Wintec kaimahi and ākonga are not required to provide proof of vaccination status to enter our campuses or otherwise engage in the learning and work activities of Wintec from 5 April 2022.
To help us get an understanding of your views around removing our Covid-19 vaccination policy, and help inform our decision, we invite ākonga/student to share feedback.
After we’ve reviewed the feedback, we’ll aim to announce the outcome by Monday, 4 April 2022.
Why are we proposing to remove the vaccination policy?
We’re proposing this change because our latest risk assessment has found that the Omicron variant has a lower risk to kaimahi and ākonga health and safety than the risk assessment undertaken in December 2021 for the Delta Variant. Additionally, our data shows that more than 96% of our kaimahi and ākonga are now fully vaccinated, which also reduces this risk.
Continued wellness
Wintec will continue the extension of manaakitanga and duty of care to all ākonga, kaimahi, manuhiri and our Te Tiriti partners that engage in Wintec activities. We’re committed to doing everything we can to enable a safe learning environment, and we’ll continue to take care, as best we can, of those amongst us who are truly vulnerable.
We’ll also continue with public health measures like hand sanitising, mask-wearing (mandatory in ‘Red’ settings), reporting of COVID positive tests, availability of rapid antigen tests (if required), and flexible working (manager approved).
Ngā manaakitanga
From the team at Wintec.
15 March 2022
Help for you
- I need financial support. The Wintec Manaaki Financial Support Grant is available to help students in financial need.
- I need help with my course/study. Talk to your tutor or email us at
- I’m stressed and I need help. Email us at and we will connect you with support. We have also listed a range of internal and external support services from counselling to spiritual and cultural support and food delivery on the Wintec Covid-19 FAQs page and the Learner Success Toolkit has a range of resources to help you.
- I’m an international student. Check out the International questions and answers on the Covid-19 FAQs page or email and an international student advisor will contact you.
- Here to help u – Hamilton-based community support connectors .
- SAWIT (Wintec Student Union) – for advocacy and support
3 March 2022
Covid and how we can support you at Wintec
With Omicron in our community and Covid-19 cases growing each day, our focus is around the wellbeing of our Wintec whānau. We want to support our Wintec students as best we can in these times, and ensure that you get the right support to help you
continue your studies and learning with us. Here’s some key information for you to know:
When do you need to self-isolate?
In the Phase 3 response to the Omicron outbreak, people who have tested positive for Covid-19 must self-isolate, as well as any household contacts of a positive case. For further information on this check out the Unite Against Covid-19 website.
Let us know if you test positive or need to self-isolate
Please let us know your Covid-19 situation through the Covid-19 Positive Test and Self-Isolation form. This is always located on the home page of our Wintec website.
We want to know if you have tested positive from Covid-19 or if you are self-isolating due to being a household contact.
Why? Because then we can help support you. You will be called by one of our Covid Response Team who can talk through what support you may need during the time you are sick or self-isolating. It will help us understand if you have any
concerns or needs that we can help you with. These could include your mental health and wellbeing, technology issues, need for supplies, and study considerations.
Wintec students please also let your tutor or centre know about your Covid-19 situation so that study and catch up options can be put in place.
Help for you
- I need help with my course/study. Talk to your tutor or email us at
- I’m stressed and I need help. Email us at and we will connect you with support. We have also listed a range of internal and external support services from counselling to spiritual and cultural support and food delivery on the Wintec Covid-19 FAQs page and the Learner Success Toolkit has a range of resources to help you.
- I need financial support. The Wintec Manaaki Financial Support Grant is available to help students in financial need.
- I’m an international student. Check out the International questions and answers on the Covid-19 FAQs page or email and an international student advisor will contact you.
- Here to help u – Hamilton-based community support connectors
- SAWIT (Wintec Student Union) -for advocacy and support
We want your study at Wintec to be as uninterrupted as possible, and we have put in place changes to our teaching and learning delivery to ensure that we can best minimise the possibility of spreading Covid-19.
We acknowledge that if you get sick, or circumstances at home during Covid times get difficult, you may have issues with meeting deadlines. We will work with our students, move deadlines and we’ll be there to support you.
Take care e te whānau and remember we are here to support you.
14 February 2022
Haere mai - here's an update on keeping safe on campus at Wintec
Haere mai to our new and returning ākonga/students. We hope the start of semester is going great for you all.
We know you are busy and there is a lot of information to take in at the moment. But we do have some important
Covid-19 updates for everyone on campus.
Entry to our hubs
From 8am, Wednesday 16 February, you will only be able to gain entry to our city campus and Rotokauri hubs by using your Wintec Student ID swipe card. So remember to have this on you at all times on campus.
The change to locking our hubs, is to assist with limiting the access to only those who are fully vaccinated and can be on campus in the Red setting. If you forget your swipe card or don’t have one yet, and still want to gain entry into the hubs, you must show your vaccine pass to the security guard on the door and you can gain entry that way.
Remember it is mandatory to wear a mask in our hubs, and only remove them if you are eating or drinking. Also please scan into our hubs using the QR code displayed.
If you test positive for Covid-19 – let us know immediately
There is now an expectation from the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health that if you test positive for Covid-19, you must advise Wintec immediately of this.
- If you test positive, stay home, but do let us know, and we can work through what support Wintec for you in this situation.
- Fill out the Positive Covid-19 Notification form (also accessible from the home page of
Have you given Wintec your Covid-19 vaccination status details yet? We need this now.
Many of you probably have done this, but if not, you will need to do this now. Fill out the Wintec Student Covid-19 Vaccination form. It is simple to do and does not take long.
Why do we need this?
Wintec as a tertiary education provider is operating in the Red setting and the Government requirement is that we collect the vaccination status of our students and staff. In the current Red setting, only students, staff, including volunteers and contractors, and visitors who are fully vaccinated can be onsite at tertiary education premises. Find out more here.
Masks at Wintec
Masks are required to be worn in all teaching and learning situations by our students in tertiary campuses in the current Red setting.
There are also additional places and activities on our campus where mask wearing is mandatory – for example, hospitality, Windows Restaurant, Urban Spa, Ramp Gallery, our hubs, Kids@Wintec, events and gatherings .
Help for you:
- I need help with my course/study. Talk to your tutor or email us at
- I’m stressed and I need help. Email us at and we will connect you with support. We have also listed a range of internal and external support services from counselling to spiritual and cultural support and food delivery on the Wintec Covid-19 FAQs page and the Learner Success Toolkit has a range of resources to help you.
- I’m an international student. Check out the International questions and answers on the Covid-19 FAQs page or email and an international student advisor will contact you.
- I may need financial support. Check out the conditions to apply for the Wintec Manaaki Financial Support Grant.
It’s important to keep informed as we navigate through these Covid times. Keep up to date on the latest information including locations of interest and life at Red, by following
23 January 2022
Wintec remains open in Red
The Government announced today that from 11.59pm tonight, 23 January, 2022, all of Aotearoa New Zealand will move to the Red setting of the Covid-19 Protection Framework due to Covid-19 Omicron cases in the community,
Under Red, Wintec remains open and is operating under the Government guidelines for tertiary education, which require all staff, learners and visitors to tertiary institutes in Aotearoa New Zealand to be fully vaccinated.
Learning continues on-campus, but all people attending Wintec campuses must be vaccinated and wear a mask.
Information for ākonga/students:
- Students who are currently studying onsite in programmes will be communicated with directly.
- If you are a student who is not fully vaccinated, please do not visit Wintec campuses from tomorrow, Monday 24 January. Please contact your tutor or centre for information on your situation.
While we wait for more information, kia noho haumaru – stay safe and ensure you keep informed from Government sources. Remember if you begin to feel unwell or start to develop Covid-19 symptoms, get a test immediately.
For more information including FAQs and links to update your vaccination status, visit
14 December 2022
Wintec Covid-19 Vaccination Policy update to ākonga/learners
After consultation with our ākonga/learners and kaimahi/staff, a thorough risk assessment, and approval through our Wintec Board and Te Pūkenga, Wintec now has a Covid-19 Vaccination Policy.
Anyone attending, studying, working at, or visiting Wintec must be fully vaccinated, regardless of the traffic light level that the area is operating in.
Ākonga, kaimahi, contractors, manuhiri/visitors and our Te Tiriti partners that engage in Wintec activities will be required to be vaccinated, unless otherwise exempted. Those who are not vaccinated should have their first vaccination by Monday 10 January 2022 and their second by 14 February 2022.
Some programmes of learning may require ākonga to attend Wintec prior to 10 January 2022.
In these situations, the first vaccination must occur before you attend the start of the programme/course and the second vaccination date of Monday 14 February 2022, will apply.
Please read:
The sentiment behind this decision
The decision to fully mandate vaccinations at Wintec is one we haven’t taken lightly.
This policy affects everyone across our Wintec community, and it is adopted in response to public health requirements to Covid-19.
It is an extension of manaakitanga to all who engage in Wintec activities, combined with our duty of care under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, to help ensure the health and safety of all.
Our recent risk assessment was aligned to the obligations under the Act, and due to the nature of our varied activities undertaken across our teaching, learning and working environment, Wintec roles and activities were identified as having a higher level
of overall risk of contracting or spreading Covid-19.
We are committed to doing everything practicable to enable a safe environment for our wider Wintec community.
I also want to acknowledge that while we have concluded this is a necessary decision, I know it won’t be welcomed by everyone.
We are committed to working with anyone who is not vaccinated, to support and work through any reasonable alternative options for them to continue to study or be employed at Wintec.
This is outlined in our policy and there will be some instances where unvaccinated people can't study. We will continue to work with people on this.
The process for developing this policy
The journey to this decision was guided by Te Pūkenga, the wider tertiary network and our consultation and feedback. After undertaking a thorough risk assessment across all our roles and activities last month, we developed a draft Wintec Covid-19 policy
and shared it to Wintec kaimahi and ākonga for consultation. Your anonymous feedback was sought to help get an understanding of views, and to inform our final policy.
Feedback was also sought from unions, and through Māori and Pacific staff forums where dedicated hui and talona were set up to discuss the policy. We also considered other ITP policies within the Te Pūkenga network we are part of.
Survey response
From the staff and student survey, 512 responses were submitted. Of those responses:
- 168 were from students and 344 were from staff
- Approximately 92% of staff who took part in the survey are fully vaccinated, while 57% of students who responded were vaccinated
- In total 68% supported mandating vaccinations for staff
- In total 66% supported mandating vaccinations for students
- 78% of staff who responded support mandatory vaccinations for staff and 80% support mandatory vaccinations for students
- 42% of students who responded supported mandatory vaccinations for staff and 40% support mandatory vaccinations for students.
Feedback from the comments submitted fell into four broad themes. Those in support of the mandate of vaccinations for staff and students; those who do not support the mandate for staff and students; policy feedback, and process feedback. There
were also some comments regarding equitable outcomes for students as a result of the policy.
All feedback on the policy has now been considered and used to amend aspects of the Wintec Covid-19 Vaccination Policy. This feedback will also be used to assist in the development of the many processes that are
needed to implement and support this policy.
Next steps
Living, working and learning with Covid-19 in our communities, has at times been extremely stressful and challenging for many of us.
I recognise that coming out with a policy on mandating vaccinations, after an already long year, is not ideal timing. We want to ensure all students are fully informed of the decision by Wintec as soon as possible so that you have the time to understand
the details and have time to make any arrangements and plan before mid-February next year.
I know vaccination can be a polarising topic and there is some anxiety and strong feelings out there at the moment. I’d expect, in line with our values, that we show good behaviour and conduct around this policy and its implementation. I ask that
people are respectful and kind to each other at this time.
To support the broader context of this decision, we have a network of support for ākonga and kaimahi to ensure everyone is supported. If your questions are not answered in the information we have provided (e.g. FAQs) and you need to talk, email or call us to be put in touch with someone that can help you.
Collection of information
In the meantime, with the policy now decided, we can now start collecting information on students’ vaccination status. If you are vaccinated or not, please can you add your details to the Wintec Student Covid-19 Vaccination Form.
If vaccinated, you will need to upload an attachment of your My Vaccine Pass. All information is collected as per Privacy Act requirements.
Ngā manaakitanga
David Christiansen
Wintec Chief Executive
16 November 2022
From midnight tonight, Waikato will move temporarily to Alert Level 2.
Ka rawe! This is going to make a welcome difference in our personal lives.
That’s great, but what does it mean for me at Wintec?
We are really looking forward to welcoming everyone back onsite and we are reopening our City and Rotokauri campuses tomorrow, Wednesday 17 November to all students.
But most classes this week for students remain online, except for approved classes for some practical courses.
Stand by for a message from your tutors about your study and course programmes.
Our Auckland whānau remain in Alert Level 3.2 for now. This means Wintec students currently residing in Auckland must remain working and studying remotely in Auckland.
What’s open at Wintec from tomorrow, Wednesday 17 November:
- Wintec City campus Hub, Library, Café and Sushi Hub are back open on normal hours. Online library services are available as well. You must wear masks in these areas at all times.
- Rotokauri Hub, Café and Library are back open on normal hours. Please note the Library at Rotokauri will be unstaffed. You must wear masks in these areas at all times.
- The ITS helpdesk will be open at both hubs for support and technology returns (remember to bring all accessories and your student ID card).
- Health Services at the City and Rotokauri campuses are open, but you must phone first to make an appointment on 07 834 8869.
- Kidz@Wintec is open.
- Student Accessibility Services is available by appointment, email
- Kaiāwhina / Pastoral care is available by appointment, email
- Student Learning Services is available for online support, email to talk to one of the team.
- International student support is available online, email if you have an urgent issue, call the 24/7 number 021 703 730.
- Wintec Student Enrolment and Information Centre is open at the City campus from 8.00am-4.00pm.
What you need to know
- Tutors will contact you this week to let you know how your classes will be delivered.
- Face coverings are strongly advised and must be worn at Wintec where 1 metre social distancing is compromised. You MUST wear a face covering when attending Wintec Health Services, in the hubs and when in any customer-facing interaction.
- Scan in. There are QR codes placed around the campuses. Take note of the location on QR codes and the signage in place for guidance. Scanning is mandatory.
- In class, one metre social distancing applies. In public places, two metre distancing applies.
- If you are sick, stay home and get tested if you have Covid symptoms.
- Exams will continue online as advised.
- Vaccinations - Guidance around vaccinations and vaccine certificates for staff and students at Wintec is currently being considered by Te Pūkenga. As soon as we know more, we will update you.
- Parking is free on campus for Wintec students and staff for the rest of 2021.
- Returning loan laptops and technology – please hand in loan tech and all accessories to the ITS helpdesk in the hubs before you leave for the year. You will need your ID card.
Help for you
- I need financial support. Apply for the Wintec Manaaki Financial Support Grant.
- I’m struggling with my study. Talk to your tutor or email us at
- I’m stressed and I need help. Email us at and we will connect you with support. We have also listed a range of internal and external support services from counselling to spiritual and cultural support and food delivery on the Wintec Covid-19 FAQs page and the Learner Success Toolkit has a range of resources to help you.
- I’m an international student. Check out the International questions and answers on the Covid-19 FAQs page or email and an international student advisor will contact you.
It’s important to keep informed as requirements for alert levels can change. Find out more about what we all need to do at Alert Level 2 to stay
We’ve got this
Level 2 still means that Covid-19 is still active in Aotearoa New Zealand, so it’s important to keep checking locations of interest
Keep informed from Government sources and get tested if you
are unwell or you have been in contact with a Covid case or location.
If you have recently been tested for Covid-19, please advise us .
If you are required to self-isolate please fill in this form so that Wintec can offer you support and advice around your work or study situation.
Take care e te whānau and enjoy a bit more freedom in the Waikato.
10 November 2021
Nau mai hoki mai – welcome back.
We asked and you told us – many of you are keen to come back to study and use the libraries at our hub.
Ka rawe!
Under Alert Level 3.2 rules…
The Wintec City Library and the Gallagher Hub
study areas are open from Thursday 11 November at the Wintec City campus.
Before you rush in… whakarongo mai – listen up, there are a few things you need to review first:
What this means for you:
- When: The Wintec Library at the City campus and the adjacent Hub study areas will open from 8.00am – 8.00pm, Thursday 11 November, Friday 12 November and then weekly, Monday-Friday in Alert Level 3.2. It is closed over the weekend.
- Access is only for Wintec current students to study, return books or reference learning material in the Library. You must swipe in with your Wintec ID and scan the Hub Covid-19 QR code. Look for the single entry and exit points to
the Hub on the west side (grassed area) of the building.
- Safety: Mask wearing is mandatory in the library and hub areas and 2 metre social distancing applies. Study groups larger than four people are not permitted. If you are unwell, stay home and if you have Covid-19 symptoms, get tested
(see below).
- Support: The library and the ITS help desk will be staffed with people to help you.
- Library Services: You can check out and return books and use our study spaces. Referencing and Library-specific support remains online. Find the Librarian for your area here.
- Tech: Desktop computers and laptops from the dispenser machine are available. If you have a loan laptop ready for return, you can drop it in at the ITS help desk.
- Food and drink: At this stage, our cafes are closed but you will be able to get drinks and snacks from the vending machines.
- Wharepaku/washrooms will be open, but access is limited. Please note signage.
Please note:
The City campus Library and wider Hub area are only able to open under Alert Level 3.2 for library and study purposes. It is not open for people to gather socially.
At this stage, the Rotokauri Hub and Library are not open.
Please respect the rules in the Library and Hub, as they are different from what we had in Alert Level 2 – particularly mandatory mask-wearing.
For those of you who want a quiet place to study and finish off those assignments and assessments for the semester, the City Hub can be that place.
Worried about your progress? Reach out
You’re almost there but these last few weeks can be the most stressful, particularly after day ?? (we’re trying not to count) of lockdown. If you feel like you are behind with your work, you’re not alone. We understand and we will work
with you on the areas you need to catch up on. Talk to your tutor ASAP if you are worried or contact
Here are a few need-to-know details to support you right now:
- During Alert Level 3.2 our campuses are mainly physically closed. The exceptions are if you are part of an approved practical workshop
or exam bubble or you are accessing the Library for study and support (as above).
- Wintec Health Services’ clinics are available, call them on 07 834 8869 to make an appointment or seek medical advice.
- Kidz@Wintec is open and operating under Level 3 guidelines for childcare facilities.
- The Student Enrolment and Information Centre is operating online but we are here to support you, including questions about your course, Wintec in general and even your study plans for 2022. Call 0800 2 WINTEC, email and live chat on to talk about your study plans for 2022.
- Money – financial stress is tough and it’s real. You’re not alone. In the past two months, we’ve supported many students through our Manaaki Financial Support Grant. If you are experiencing financial pressure, apply now, make sure to give us as much information about your situation as possible so we are able to best help you in your situation.
- Extra support – At all alert levels, you can access online Library support and the Learner Success Toolkit to help you get the most out of your study. Both sites will also connect you with the Library and support teams if you want to make an online appointment.
- Here to help u - Here to help u is a community-based online support service for Waikato and Bay of Plenty people that makes getting the right help, at the right time, easy. You can access a wide range of free support by submitting one help request to Here to help u.
Keep yourself and those around you, safe
Covid-19 can appear in our community without warning. Please continue to keep checking contact tracing locations of interest for your area.
If you have symptoms or you are worried because you have visited a location of interest, find out more about getting tested and locations here or contact Healthline on 0800 358 5453.
If you have been tested, please fill in this form and if you have been asked to self-isolate please fill in this form. This is so we can offer you support and advice around your study or your general situation.
And remember to scan in and encourage your whānau to do the same when you are out and about.
If you have any questions about Wintec during Alert Level 3.2. You can find more detailed information, links and contact details on the Covid-19 Information and Updates section and the Learner Success Toolkit on our website, talk to your tutor or email and we’ll connect you to people that can help.
Take care e te whānau and remember we are here to support you.
Mā te wā - see you soon.
15 October 2021
We hope for many of you, you were able to make the most of your mid-semester break.
In normal times this would be a “haere mai e te whānau, welcome back to campus everyone” message, but our current Covid-19 alert level situation means we are on standby as to whether or not our campuses can open next week.
We hope we are almost out of level 3… on Monday afternoon, the Government will review level 3 for the Waikato and announce any changes or extensions to the alert levels.
After a period of lockdown for many of us, we’re more than ready to get back to campus, so when we know what the situation is, we’ll update you. We’ll text you to let you know you have an email from us on what learning will look like for your final weeks for 2021.
Your tutor/centre will also be in touch to let you know what is happening for your course at Wintec.
Please know that we are here for you regardless of what alert level we/you are in, and we will support you during these challenging times.
You may be worried about…
- Exams and assessments – are stressful especially during changing alert levels. Continue to prepare for your exams and your centre will be in touch with you about exams/assessments in line with alert level requirements.
- Your progress – many students are telling us they feel like they are behind on their work. If this is you, you’re not alone. We understand and we will work with you on the areas you need to catch up on. Talk
to your tutor ASAP if you are worried.
- Money – financial stress is tough and it’s real. You’re not alone, in the past two months we’ve supported many students through our Manaaki Financial Support Grant. If you are experiencing financial pressure, apply now.
- Life in general – we understand that while we are experiencing these alert levels, your situation can change, and things can get tough. If you need help with anything, email or if you are an international student you can email and we’ll link you in with the people to help you.
- Returning to campus – unless you have been advised you are part of an approved practical workshop, our campuses are physically closed until we move to Level 2. We’ll keep you posted when things on campus open up again.
Shout bro!
It’s our shout. Look out for this Wintec series of student giveaways on Wintec Facebook and Instagram next week starting on Monday. Shout Bro! is a series of daily prize giveaways from us to you, our students, including hoodies, coffee and food vouchers. Plus, it’s a shout out for our Wintec food retailers,
Kino Sushi, Cater Plus and the Readout Cafe at Rotokauri.
Super Saturday – it’s your shot
This weekend is Aotearoa New Zealand’s own national day of action for vaccination. Super Saturday events are happening all over the country with extended hours for walk-in and drive-through vaccination clinics. If you haven’t yet, and you can, this is an opportunity to get vaccinated so we can all have more freedom. Find out about events near you.
Here are a few need-to-know details until we know more about alert level changes:
- For now, we are in Alert Level 3 and our campuses remain closed.
- Wintec Health Services’ clinics are available, call them on 07 834 8869 to make an appointment or seek medical advice.
- The Student Enrolment and Information Centre is operating online but we are here to support you, including questions about your course, Wintec in general and even your study plans for 2022. Call 0800 2 WINTEC, email and live chat on to talk about your study plans for 2022.
- Peer Tutoring and Tuākana- Tēina - As we go into the final weeks of our study year, one to one Peer Tutors and Tuākana-Tēina study groups are continuing. All Wintec learners can request a Peer Tutor by emailing If you are interested in accessing Tuākana-Tēina or want to know more about this, please contact
- Extra support – At all alert levels, you can access online Library support and the Learner Success Toolkit to help you get the most out of your study. Both sites will also connect you with the Library and support teams if you want to make an online appointment.
If you haven’t reached out for help, but you think you may need some help or even someone to talk to, please get in touch. Check out the links in this pānui or just email
You can find more detailed information, links and contact details on the Covid-19 Information and Updates section and the Learner Success Toolkit on our website.
Play it safe
Covid-19 can appear in our community without warning. Please continue to keep checking contact tracing locations of interest for your area.
If you have symptoms or you are worried because you have visited a location of interest, find out more about getting tested and locations here or contact Healthline on 0800 358 5453.
If you have been tested, please fill in this form and if you have been asked to self-isolate please fill in this form. This is so we can offer you support and advice around your study or your general situation.
And remember to scan in and encourage your whānau to do the same when you are out and about.
Take care whānau - we hope it won’t be too long now before the buzz is back on our campuses – that’s you people!
Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui e hoa - be strong, be patient and be persistent everyone.
8 October 2021
We know many of you are on term break right now, but we want to update you on the latest alert level changes and your study, especially if you are returning next week.
In response to the changing Covid-19 situation, the Government announced yesterday more parts of Waikato will move to Alert Level 3 from today, Friday 8 October 2021.
The extended Alert Level 3 area includes Waitomo, Waipā, Ōtorohanga and some surrounding areas. Raglan, Huntly, Te Kauwhata, Ngāruawāhia and Hamilton City remain at Alert Level 3.
For clarity on these new borders, please check the alert level boundary map for your area. We understand this decision will remain in place until at least 11.59pm Monday 10 October.
Alert Level 3 means there is a medium risk of community transmission with active but managed clusters.
To keep informed and up to date, check on any changes or get advice through Government sources.
What this means for your learning at Wintec
At this time, Wintec campuses (and that now includes Ōtorohanga) are physically closed and all teaching, learning and services e.g. Libraries, Health Services, Enrolment and Student Services are operating online.
- Wintec Health Services’ clinics are available, but you must call first on 07 834 8869 to make an appointment or seek medical advice.
- The Student Enrolment and Information Centre is where you can talk to us about anything, including questions about your course, Wintec in general and even your study plans for 2022. Call 0800 2 WINTEC, email and live chat on to talk about your study plans for 2022.
A small number of practical programmes are being taught on campus within tertiary education alert level guidelines, but the majority of courses will be online.
Your tutor/centre will be in touch to let you know what learning for your course at Wintec will be like while we are in Alert Level 3. Please be assured that Wintec will always fully support you through your learning in these changing times.
Keeping safe
Please continue to keep checking contact tracing locations of interest for the Waikato as they are updated from 6am until 6pm daily.
Anyone who lives in the Waikato or Auckland, who has symptoms of a cold or flu is asked to get tested. Pop up testing centres are located in key areas, find out more about getting tested and locations here or contact Healthline for advice on 0800 358 5453.
If you have been tested, please fill in this form and if you have been asked to self-isolate please fill in this form. This is so we can offer you support and advice around your study or your general situation.
And remember to scan in and encourage your whānau to do the same when you are out and about.
It's our shot - get vaccinated at Wintec this Saturday
There will be two vaccination events at Wintec tomorrow, making it easier to get you and your whānau vaccinated.
The vaccination clinics this Saturday 9 October are on at:
- 10am-3pm, The Atrium, Wintec City campus, Hamilton, run by K’aute Pasifika
- 10am-3pm, Wintec Rotokauri campus car park, Hamilton, run by Koiora
Everyone is welcome at these vaccination events and no booking is required but if you do want to book, you can call Robert Lavei from K’aute Pasifika on 022 318 7151 or Melissa Tahu from Koiora on 027 579 2599.
There will be prizes and giveaways on the day, including grocery vouchers, Google speakers, a Makita power tool and more so turn up, get your shot, and do it for yourself and your family. For information on all Waikato vaccination events, visit To find out more visit:
We’re living and working in extraordinary times
This might be our new normal but living in changing alert levels with the stress of Covid-19 in our communities is not normal. So please reach out for help if you need it.
Your needs and your situation may have changed since we last checked in with you, so take a fresh look at the ways we can support you in your journey at Wintec…
How can we help you?
- I need a loan laptop or an internet connection. Call us on 0800 2 WINTEC or email your name, ID number, programme/module, physical address while in lockdown and contact number to
- I need financial support. Apply for the Wintec Manaaki Financial Support Grant.
- I’m an international student. Check out the International questions and answers on the Covid-19 FAQS page or email and an international student adviser will contact you.
- I’m struggling with my study. Talk to your tutor or email us at
- I’m stressed and I need help. Remember, if you are stressed or need help about anything, just let us know by emailing and we can connect you with our team.
Peer Tutors and Tuākana- Tēina
One to one Peer Tutors and Tuākana-Tēina study groups are continuing at Wintec while we are learning online. All Wintec learners can request a Peer Tutor by emailing If you are interested in accessing Tuākana-Tēina or want to know more about this, please contact
For detailed information, links and contact details for everything we can think of right now, visit the Covid-19 Information and Updates section on our website. We’ve lots to offer, from counselling to spiritual and cultural support and food delivery on the Covid-19 FAQS page.
We know that it is hard to engage with study when we go online and that many of you don’t have a quiet place to concentrate with everyone at home. We are here to help, and your tutors and our support staff will work with you to ensure you won’t fall behind. Keep hanging in there, we’ll get through this together.
Remember to keep up the exercise, get some fresh air when the sun is shining, consider your health and look after you as well as those in your bubble.
Kia haumaru te noho - take care of yourself and stay well everyone.
3 October 2021
Now that two cases of Covid-19 have been announced in Raglan and Hamilton, the Government has announced an Alert Level 3 lockdown for parts of Waikato including Hamilton City, Ngāruawāhia, Te Kauwhata, Huntly and Raglan starting at 11.59pm tonight, Sunday 3 October 2021, at this stage, for the next five days. You can view
the actual boundaries here.
If you have been or are located in the Hamilton or Raglan area, please check the locations of interest and follow the recommended guidelines.
Anyone who lives in the Waikato or Auckland, who has symptoms of a cold or flu is asked to get tested. Anyone who has been at the locations of interest listed by the Ministry of Health is asked to get tested.
In Hamilton, there are testing stations at Claudelands, the Founders Theatre and in Raglan at the Rugby Grounds car park on Cross Street. Find out more about getting tested here.
If you have been tested, please fill in this form so that Wintec can offer you support and advice around your work or study situation.
If you have been required to self-isolate, please fill in this form, so that we can offer you support and advice around your work/ study situation.
Studying at Wintec
From midnight tonight, Wintec is for the most part, operating in Alert Level 3. Our main campuses are physically closed and teaching and working will go online. This also means
the student hubs are closed.
Exceptions are our Ōtorohanga delivery sites.
Many of you may be on term break right now, but over the next few days, you should all hear from your centres/schools about your learning and how that will be delivered going forward.
Until you are advised otherwise, Wintec is now operating online.
This includes Health Services, the Library and our Student Enrolment Centre.
Kidz@Wintec will be closed at this stage.
Staying well
Remember: It’s really important if you have flu-like symptoms and think you might have the virus, to get tested and to call Healthline 0800 358 5453 or call your
GP for medical advice.
These links may be helpful right now in getting prepared:
- Covid-19 latest government updates
- Wintec Covid-19 information and updates
- Manaaki Financial Support Grant
- If you need IT help, contact the ServiceDesk
- If you need help email
- Find out more about support for health and wellbeing, and more in our Covid 19 FAQs.
We understand that going into lockdown isn’t easy for our tauira/ students so please do reach out.
In the meantime, take care, stay well and if you are not well, please get tested and if you need help, we’re here for you, please contact us.
Above all it’s important we stay calm and kia kaha, stay strong.
Look out for updates coming your way throughout this time.
Ngā manaakitanga
8 September 2021
Two rainbows over Wintec – photo by Prashant Panchal.
Three weeks of lockdown and who’s counting? We are. Like you, we are really looking forward to getting life back to some form of normal.
Learning at Level 2
We are now in Alert Level 2. Tino pai rawa atu! That’s excellent.
From tomorrow, Thursday 9 September, Wintec campuses will open.
We have reviewed the Government advice for Tertiary providers/whare wānanga for Level 2 and we have considered
what this means for learning at Wintec.
That’s great, but when can I come back?
We are really looking forward to welcoming everyone back onsite. Most classes this week for students remain online, except for approved classes for some practical courses. From next week, more classes will come back onto campus. Stand by for a message from your tutors about your study and course programmes for the coming weeks.
Our Auckland whānau remain in Alert Level 4 for now. This means Wintec students currently residing in Auckland must remain working and studying remotely in Auckland.
At Alert Level 2 there is a low risk of community transmission, and we have more freedom to socialise and connect, but we still need to protect ourselves and others from an unexpected outbreak of Covid-19. So please stay home if you are not well and get
tested if you have symptoms.
What does learning at Alert level 2 mean for you?
- Face coverings are strongly advised and should be worn at Wintec where social distancing is compromised. You MUST wear a face covering when attending Wintec Health Services.
- Scan in wherever you go at Wintec. There are QR codes placed around the campuses. Take note of the location on QR codes and the signage in place for guidance. Scanning is mandatory.
- In class, one metre social distancing applies. In public places, two metre distancing applies.
- Social and class spaces have been cleaned, and furniture moved to allow for social distancing.
- Tutors will contact you this week to let you know how your classes will be delivered – please wait to hear from them before coming onto the campus.
- If you are sick, stay home and get tested if you have Covid symptoms.
Support services from Thursday 9 September:
- The hubs at our City and Rotokauri campuses are open.
- The café and sushi bar will be open in the City Hub and Rotokauri Hub café will reopen on Monday 13 September.
- Health Services at the City and Rotokauri campuses are open, but you must phone first to make an appointment on 07 834 8869.
- Libraries: The City campus Library will open from 8.30am-4.30pm Monday-Friday. It will be closed in the evenings and on weekends. Rotokauri campus Library will be open but unstaffed. Please contact or contact the Librarian online for your area. Online library services remain available as well.
- Kidz@Wintec is open.
- Student Accessibility Services is available by appointment. Please email
- Kaiāwhina / Pastoral care is available by appointment. Please email
- Student Learning Services is available for online support for the rest of the week. Email to talk to one of the team.
- International student support is available online for the rest of this week. Email if you have urgent issue, call the 24/7 number 021 703 730.
- Wintec Student Enrolment and Information Centre is open at the City campus from 8.00am-4.00pm.
- You can also check out the Learner Success Toolkit for a range of resources that can help
How can we help you?
- I need financial support. Apply for the Wintec Manaaki Financial Support Grant.
- I’m struggling with my study. Talk to your tutor or email us at
- I’m stressed and I need help. Email us at and we will connect you with support. We have also listed a range of internal and external support services from counselling to spiritual and cultural support and food delivery on the Wintec Covid-19 FAQs page.
- I’m an international student. Check out the International questions and answers on the Covid-19 FAQs page or email and an international student advisor will contact you.
It’s important to keep informed as requirements for alert levels can change. This time around there are new requirements around mask wearing in public places and gatherings. Find out more about what we all need to do at Alert Level 2 to stay safe.
Free parking
If you are a current Wintec student carparking permit holder, parking is free at the Wintec City and Rotokauri campuses until Monday 20 September 2021.
Thank you for your feedback
A big thank you to everyone who responded to the Pulse survey we sent you last Wednesday. It’s your response that helps us understand what we’re doing well, and where we can improve.
It’s not too late to provide us with feedback. The Pulse is open until Monday.
Peer Tutoring and Tuākana- Tēina
Mā te tuakana, te teina e tōtika, mā te teina, te tuakana e tōtika - the older will lead the younger and the younger will lead the older. One to one Peer Tutoring and Tuākana-Tēina study groups are continuing at Wintec while we are learning online.
All Wintec tauira (students) can request a Peer Tutor by emailing
If you are interested in accessing Tuākana-Tēina or want to know more about this,
please contact
Keep reaching out
For those of you who have reached out and asked for help, kia kaha. Because you asked, we were able to help you.
Since lockdown we have responded to students’ financial hardship by giving out $68,415 from our Manaaki Financial Support Fund.
Our team has delivered 107 loan laptops and 33 vodems to connect students to their learning.
We understand that while we are experiencing these Alert Levels, your situation can change, and things can get tough. If you haven’t reached out for help, but you think you may need some help or even someone to talk to, please get in touch. Check
out the links in this pānui or just email and we’ll link you in with the people to help you.
You can find more detailed information, links and
contact details on the Covid-19 Information and Updates section
and the Learner Success Toolkit on our website.
Get free data access to health and wellbeing websites
When you use your mobile phone to access essential health and wellbeing information and digital health services, the Ministry of Health’s ‘Sponsored Data’
(also known as zero-rated data) provides free access for anyone using the Spark, Skinny, Vodafone, 2degrees, Slingshot or Orcon mobile networks. Links to a comprehensive range of sponsored websites and more information is available on the Ministry of Health’s website.
We’ve got this
Even though we are moving to Level 2, Covid-19 is still active in Aotearoa New Zealand, so it’s important to keep checking locations of interest
Keep informed from Government sources and get tested if
you are unwell or you have been in contact with a Covid case or location.
If you have recently been tested for Covid-19, please advise us .
If you are required to self-isolate please fill in this form so that Wintec can offer you support and advice around your work or study situation.
Take care whānau - it won’t be too long now before our campuses are buzzing with life again.
Kia kaha, stay strong everyone. Noho haumaru, stay safe whānau.
7 September 2021
From Wednesday 8 September 2021, Wintec is operating at Alert Level 2 along with the rest of Aotearoa New Zealand, except for Auckland where Level 4 applies.
We are getting ready to reopen our campuses for Alert Level 2 and we will update our community on this as soon as we can. Meanwhile, please do not visit our campuses tomorrow (Wednesday).
1 September 2021
Wintec is now operating in Alert Level 3.
For now, we are operating online but as we know more, we will continue to let our tauira learners know what learning looks like for your course.
To comply with Alert Level 3 rules for education, Wintec's campuses and buildings remain closed.
Remember, if you have any questions, get in touch with your tutor, call us at 0800 2 WINTEC or if you need support, email
Check out the Covid-19 FAQs page for more information.
Kia ngāwari te haere - go easy on yourself and others.
27 August 2021
Kia ora Wintec tauira / students,
Firstly, a big thank you for continuing to study with us at Wintec. This time around, lockdown has brought its challenges for everyone and we want you to know we are here to support you as much as we can.
We just had to share this image taken yesterday of our (socially distanced) frontline staff, Horomona Horo, Felix Minhinnick and Vesi Vaimoso who are delivering loan laptops to Wintec tauira/students alongside our IT team to make sure you are setup
for online learning. Kaiāwhina Horomona Horo (left) has a positive message for our Wintec whānau:
“Our TEAM is rolling out all over the Waikato for our students!!” To all our students, YOU GOT THIS!!!
T – Together
E – Everyone
A – Achieves
M – More
How can we help you? Let us know, we’ve added helpful links below.
Update to learning in Level 4
This afternoon the Government announced Level 4 will be extended until 11.59pm on Tuesday 31 August, and after that, everywhere south of Auckland including the mighty Waikato will
move to Level 3.
Staying in Alert Level 4 means we have the best chance of eliminating Covid from our community.
At Alert Level 4 there is no student access to our campuses and learning continues online.
To get to where we need to be, our focus is on you. You signed up to learn with us this year and Covid or not, we are going to do our best to help you get there.
How can we help you?
- I need a loan laptop or an internet connection. Call us on 0800 2 WINTEC or email your student name, ID, centre, programme/module, physical address and contact number to
- I need financial support. Apply for the Wintec Manaaki Financial Support Grant.
- I’m struggling with my study. Talk to your tutor or email us at
- I’m stressed and I need help. Email us at and we will connect you with support. We have also listed a range of internal and external support services from counselling to spiritual and cultural support and food delivery on the Wintec Covid-19 FAQs page.
- I’m an international student. Check out the International questions and answers on the Covid-19 FAQs page or email and an international student advisor will contact you.
For detailed information, links and contact details for everything we can think of right now, visit the Covid-19 Information and Updates section on our website.
When we move to Alert Level 3 from next Wednesday
Learning at Level 3 next week will continue to be online. But as we learn more, we will be in touch, so you will know what learning looks
like for your course.
We've got this
If you have recently been tested for Covid-19, please advise us if you have been tested.
If you are required to self-isolate please
fill in this form so that Wintec can offer you support and advice around your work or study situation.
Coming soon…
We’re checking in on you next Wednesday. Please check your Wintec inbox on Wednesday for a Pulse Survey coming your way. This survey is an opportunity for you to feed back to us, your areas of concern
so we can support you.
Share your stories - We’d like to hear about your tips, experience and advice on learning during lockdown. If you have anything you’d like to share, send it to and we’ll be in touch. Images are great too.
Take care whānau and reach out. Don’t be shy. We have people, resources and the time to help you. Kia kaha, stay strong everyone. Noho i te kāinga, stay home and noho haumaru, stay safe whānau.
20 August 2021
Kia ora Wintec tauira / students,
We’re all looking forward to the weekend... but as we’ve just heard an update from the Government on Level 4 extending to 11.59pm Tuesday 24 August, we wanted to check in with you and give
you an update.
Your learning and your wellbeing are really important to us, so we’ve been working behind the scenes this week to make this happen.
Learning at Wintec
On Monday you will hear from your centre or tutors letting you know what learning online is going to look like for next week. At Alert Level 4, our campuses and Kidz@Wintec continue to be physically closed
but we are operating our library online and Health Services by appointment only.
If you need IT support at this time, please email
If you do not have a laptop or internet connection call us on 0800 2 wintec or email your student name, ID, centre, programme/module to
Your wellbeing
- If you are struggling financially, you can apply for the Wintec Manaaki Financial Grant.
- If you are feeling overwhelmed or just want to talk, Wintec counsellors are available for phone-based support. Email to book a session.
- We have also made our external Benestar counselling and wellbeing service available to students. Contact them on 0800 360 364 or email You will need to advise you are a Wintec student.
- You can free call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor for free through the Ministry of Health.
- International students please email to speak to our advisors.
- There are also a range of other support services available to you depending on your needs like a localised service for wellbeing, food delivery and more.
Email us at and we will do our best to put you in touch with the help you need.
Staying safe
Our top priorities right now are:
- Check current locations of interest – if you were there at that time and date, get tested. If you are contacted, get tested and when you are out accessing essential services, remember to scan in.
- If you are a contact, stay home and isolate.
- Stay home and stick to your bubble, remember Covid-19 spreads easily and this applies outside Auckland too.
- Wear a mask when you visit essential services. It’s recommended we all wear masks when we are out and about.
- Wash your hands.
- Remember to check in with friends and whānau. We may not be able to socialise in person, but we can kōrero online.
For access to all the information we can think of to help you right now including links, please visit our Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.
And if we haven’t covered what you need please email us at or call 0800 2 wintec.
In the meantime, noho i te kāinga, stay home and noho haumaru, stay safe whānau.
17 August 2021
Kia ora Wintec tauira /students,
The Government has announced an Alert Level 4 lockdown starting at 11.59pm tonight, Tuesday 17 August. New Zealand is going into a 3-day lockdown while Auckland and Coromandel will be in lockdown for 7 days.
The infectious case is an Auckland man who travelled to the Coromandel over the weekend. So if you have been in Auckland since 12 August or Coromandel since 13 August, please check the locations of interest and follow the recommended guidelines.
Wintec students and staff, if you have been required to self-isolate please fill in this form, so that we can offer you support and advice around your work/ study situation.
Studying at Wintec
From midnight tonight, Wintec is operating in Alert Level 4. This means our campuses are physically closed and teaching and working will go online.
You should hear from your centres/schools tomorrow about moving your learning online.
Until we are advised otherwise, Wintec is now operating online. This includes Health Services, Library, and our Student Enrolment Centre. Kidz@Wintec is closed in Level 4.
Staying well
Remember: It’s really important if you have flu-like symptoms and think you might have the virus, to call Healthline 0800 358 5453, or call your GP for medical advice.
These links may be helpful right now in getting prepared:
Watch the Covid-19 announcement 17 August 2021
Covid 19 latest government updates
Wintec Covid-19 information and updates
Manaaki Financial Support Grant
If you need IT help, contact the ServiceDesk
Find out more about support for health and wellbeing, and more in our Covid 19 FAQs.
We understand that going into lockdown isn’t easy for our tauira/ students. In the meantime, take care, stay well and if you are not well, please get tested and if you need help, we’re here for you, please contact us.
Above all it’s important we stay calm and kia kaha, stay strong.
Look out for updates coming your way throughout this time.
Ngā manaakitanga
23 June 2021
You may have heard the news this morning of a case of Covid-19 visiting Wellington. An Australian traveller from Sydney who visited Wellington from Saturday 19 June to Monday 21 June has tested positive upon their return to Australia.
Wellington is now in Alert Level 2 and the rest of the country is in Alert Level 1.
If you were in Wellington from 19 -21 June, the Ministry of Health has released the locations of interest. This information also clearly states what people need to do if you were in these locations.
Please check this information and if this applies to you, or your friends and whānau, then it’s important you follow the instructions outlined.
For contact tracing purposes, anyone who attended one of the listed locations during the relevant timeframes is considered to be a contact. Please check:
The full location and address details
Date and the relevant times
The instructions on ‘what to do’
Still unsure? Contact Healthline for advice on 0800 358 5453.
If you have been required to self-isolate and you are a Wintec student or staff member, please fill in this form so that Wintec can offer you support and advice around your work or study situation.
Check out the latest official news updates on Covid 19.
We all need to continue be vigilant with Covid-19, so remember:
Stay home if you are unwell. If you develop any symptoms or begin to feel unwell, call Healthline, get tested if required to and remain home until you receive a negative result.
And wash your hands.
Scan in wherever you go using the Covid-19 tracer app.
Use a face covering on public transport, domestic flights and in crowded places where you cannot maintain a safe physical distance.
If you are a Wintec student and you have any questions, need support or you have been tested, you can find information and helpful links.
7 March 2021
Kia ora koutou,
At 6am this morning the Auckland region went to Alert Level 2 and the rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 1.
Wintec remains open –
we are operating in Alert Level 1.
We've been there before so we should know what to do but here's a reminder of the top three things we need to do to help stop the spread in case of community transmission:
1. Stay
home if you are sick
2. Scan in using the NZ Covid tracer app, the more we scan, the safer we'll be
3. Use a face covering on public transport, domestic flights and in crowded places where you cannot maintain
a safe physical distance.
We've updated the Covid-19 information on our website so if you are a Wintec student and you have any questions, need support (including financial help) or you have been tested, you can find information and helpful links.
Ngā manaakitanga.
28 February 2021
Kia ora students,
As we are operating in Alert Level 2 we want to clarify just what that means for you at Wintec this week. With the evolving situation relating to Covid-19 community cases in Auckland, it’s really important we keep ourselves, and those around us, safe.
Whilst the risk level remains relatively low, if you have been at the latest locations of interest in Auckland, you may be considered a contact and you need to check out the Ministry of Health guidelines. If you have been required to self-isolate please fill in this form so that Wintec can offer you support and advice around your work or study situation.
And please….stay home if you are unwell. If you have any symptoms or begin to feel unwell, call Healthline, get tested if required to and remain home until you receive
a negative result.
Let us know if you have been tested by updating the Covid-19 staff and student form.
If you have general queries or concerns relating to the places of interest and your situation, please email
Please remember we all need to follow and refer to the official advice given by the Government and its key agencies at this time. It is important to remain calm and measured, and to seek advice.
Wintec this week:
In Alert Level 2 Wintec is open. We will be operating as normal with adjustments made to Alert Level 2 conditions, such as physical distancing and mask wearing if distancing cannot be achieved.
Our centres are contacting students today about study this week.
- Students are to come to campus as normal, Wintec remains open. Our centres will be contacting students directly today to inform them Wintec is open and advising any changes.
- Students who travel from Auckland are unable to get an exemption to travel to Wintec as per the Government guidelines. Please advise your tutor if this applies to you, and alternative study options will be arranged. Refer to regional travel guidelines and check the Alert Level boundaries map.
- Please advise us immediately if you are unable to attend classes due to health or Covid-19 reasons or if you were in the locations of interest areas.
As this situation progresses you will be supported, kept informed and we will do what we have to do to maintain a safe campus for all.
Events at Wintec:
In Alert Level 2 events can go ahead but they are limited to 100 people. Planning will continue for events beyond this week e.g. Graduation and Special Awards, with contingencies being worked through.
And importantly…
We all need to be vigilant with Covid-19 so remember at Alert Level 2:
- Stay home if you are unwell. If you develop any symptoms or begin to feel unwell, call Healthline, get tested if required to and remain home until you receive a negative result.
- If you have been required to self-isolate please fill in this form so that Wintec can offer you support and advice around your work or study situation.
- And wash your hands.
- Scan in wherever you go using the Covid-19 tracer app. Make it a habit. Enable Bluetooth tracing.
- Keep checking for Covid-19 updates and information.
If you have questions check our FAQs page first before emailing
Keep safe and well everyone. Ngā Manaakitanga.
17 February 2021
Kia ora students
This afternoon the Government reviewed alert level settings relating to the Covid-19 situation and from midnight tonight, Auckland will drop to Alert Level 2, with the remainder of the country will move to Alert Level 1.
For Wintec this means teaching and classes will return to normal, and your centres will be in touch with you about learning at Alert Level 1. It’s important to us that our tauira/students are clear about what you need to do and where you need to be.
Wintec remains open – we are operating in Alert Level 1 .
Our website Covid-19 section will continue to be updated with latest information and FAQs for staff and students.
Stay safe and ensure you keep informed from Government sources.
We still need to be vigilant around Covid-19 so remember:
- Stay home if you are unwell and get tested if you have Covid symptoms. Find your local testing facility here.
- Let us know if you have been tested by updating the Covid-19 staff and student form.
- If you were at any locations of interest, which get updated as more information is known, get tested and remain home until you receive a negative result.
- Scan in wherever you go using the Covid-19 tracer app. Make it a habit. Enable Bluetooth tracing.
- And wash your hands.
Thank you to everyone for being agile, ready and prepared, so we can all keep safe in these challenging times.
Ngā Manaakitanga
15 February 2021
Kia ora Wintec students, please come to class tomorrow (Tues 16 Feb) unless you hear otherwise from your centre of study. Wintec is open in Alert Level 2.
Your centre or tutors will be in touch with you if there are any changes to classes
this week.
In the Waikato currently, the risk around Covid-19 remains low, as we have no known community cases.
- Stay home if you are unwell and get tested if you have Covid symptoms. You can find your local testing facility at
- Let us know if you have been tested by updating the Covid-19 staff and student form.
- Social distancing of 1 metre applies in tertiary education settings. This includes our workplaces, classrooms, and company vehicles. Extra hand sanitiser and signage to enable physical distancing is being put up across our campuses today.
- Gatherings and events are restricted to no more than 100 people.
- Scan in wherever you go using the Covid-19 tracer app. Make it a habit and enable Bluetooth tracing.
- You must wear a mask when using public transport but you are not required to wear a face covering in class or on campus. However, if you are in a situation where you can not physically distance please wear a mask.
- And wash your hands.
Thank you for your patience and understanding today. Wintec is open and we look forward to welcoming you all back to class from tomorrow.
Ngā Manaakitanga
14 February 2021
As of midnight tonight, areas outside of Auckland, will be going to Alert Level 2 due to an evolving situation relating to Covid-19 community cases in Auckland.
What this means for Wintec students:
- On Monday 15 February, all classes, inductions and student events are CANCELLED, to allow us time to put in place the requirements around social distancing of 1 metre in all situations as required in Alert Level 2.
- This only applies for Monday 15 February at this stage.
- We will continue to communicate to staff and students on future developments.
- The student pōwhiri scheduled for Tuesday 16 February at Rotokauri will be cancelled.
At this stage the level of risk is low, however, we all must be prepared and follow the guidelines.
As this situation progresses you will be supported, kept informed and we will do what we have to do to maintain a safe campus for all.
For more information about Alert Levels, visit
Anyone who has cold or flu symptoms should get a test and stay home until you have a negative test result. You can find your local testing facility at
If you have recently been tested for COVID-19 and you are a Wintec student or staff member, please advise us if you have been tested.
Locations of interest are being updated as new information becomes available at
Take care and we will keep you posted as the situation changes.
Ngā manaakitanga
18 August 2020
Update for students - free lunch and an update on Level 2 learning
We hope you are doing ok under Alert Level 2. The good news is we can expect a review of this on Friday 21 August (tune in to the PM’s daily live update at 1pm), but for now we are under this alert level until midnight Wednesday 26 August.
Last week, we updated you on what Level 2 means this time around. This is let you know how we are managing Level 2 to keep everyone safe and able to study, and to let you know about free student lunches happening from tomorrow at three Wintec campuses…
- All classes are going ahead! If it’s not possible to physical distance, then masks are strongly encouraged to be worn. In some cases, there may be agreement for classes to go online. Your tutor will discuss this with the class.
- Big classes are minimised – maintaining physical distancing is key so we are working to find alternative areas for our big classes.
- Masks - we have masks available for instances where 1m physical distancing cannot be maintained in classes and for keeping vulnerable people safe.
- Prevent the spread – contact tracing is one way we can help. Use the NZ Covid Tracer app to check in at the QR codes on Wintec campuses, and other locations you visit.
- If you’re an Auckland student we can help - travelling to studying at Wintec is not possible during Level 3 for Auckland-based students. If you haven’t already, your tutor will support you with online learning during this
time. For more information click here.
- Stay home if you are visibly unwell or displaying symptoms of cold or flu. Stay away from work, school and other public places. Contact your GP, Healthline or Wintec Health Services and follow instructions regarding COVID-19 testing.
If you have been tested or confirmed with COVID-19, you need to complete Wintec’s COVID-19 update form.
- What if I visited Auckland, Tokoroa or Rotorua recently? There is no requirement to self-isolate for people who visited Auckland prior to their Level 3 alert, or Rotorua or Tokoroa. If you have symptoms, get tested (as above).
- Tech support – Do you have what you need to study at Wintec? We understand it can be hard to concentrate and engage without the right equipment. Remember there are loan laptops available from the dispensers in our City and Rotokauri hubs but there are other ways we can support you. If you need any help you can contact us directly on 0800 2 WINTEC (0800 294 6832) or email
And last but not least…
- Free soup lunches for students are back on this Wednesday! Haere mai ke te kai – come and eat. As part of our Hei Oranga Mōu festival of wellbeing, we are sharing free soup (vegetarian too) lunches from our City, Rotokauri and Hamilton Gardens campuses this Wednesday from midday, 12pm. For the next month this will continue with free soup lunches on Tuesdays at the City Hub and on Wednesdays at the Hamilton Gardens and Rotokauri campuses. Remember to keep your 1 metre distancing! Ka hora te kai – lunch is on! (Tomorrow!)
- How are you doing/ feeling? Studying, working and just living under the current restrictions can be hard work. Worse, it can mean increased stress, particularly if you and your whānau/family are experiencing hardship in any way. We’re updating our Frequently Asked Questions page regularly with information to help you and don’t forget to check into our COVID-19 Information and updates section on our website for links to information on the Manaaki Financial Support Grant, health and wellbeing updates and the latest information.
Be informed - get the latest information on COVID-19 and New Zealand Aotearoa from
We’ll be in touch if anything changes but check your Wintec email frequently as this will be the address that key information is directed to. The same information is also available on the Wintec COVID-19 latest update page and the new student update page on Wintec’s website.
Noho ora mai – all the best.
12 August 2020
Alert level 2 at Wintec - Update for students
Last night New Zealand’s Prime Minister announced four confirmed cases of community transmitted COVID-19 in Auckland.
What this means is that the Auckland region will go into Alert Level 3 from midday, 12pm today for three days to help contain the virus. The rest of New Zealand including the Waikato, our region, will move to Alert Level 2.
In Alert Level 2 we will still be having classes at Wintec, and we will be putting in the precautions needed at this level. Please look out for any updates on classes from your tutors at this time.
Please read and be aware of the following information on keeping safe. If you need support, or have concerns, there is support at Wintec for you, scroll down for some links and contact numbers.
What you need to know
Alert Level 2 is not life as normal. You can still go to class and work, but you should:
- keep your distance from other people in public (at least 1m in education)
- wash your hands
- sneeze and cough into your elbow
- keep a track of where you’ve been and who you’ve seen using the COVID-19 tracer app and the QR codes on entry to buildings
- wear a personal mask if you can
- Protect yourself and others from COVID-19
People at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 are encouraged to take additional precautions when leaving home.
If you're unwell
If you’re sick, stay home. Don’t go to work or class. Don’t socialise.
If you have symptoms of cold or flu call your doctor or Healthline and get advice about being tested.
If you have been told to self-isolate you must do so immediately.
Personal movement
At Alert Level 2, you can leave home, but you should follow public health measures and consider others around you.
Physical distancing
Keep your distance when out and about:
2 metres in public and in retail stores, like supermarkets and clothes shops.
1 metre in most other environments like Wintec, workplaces, cafes, restaurants, and gyms.
At Alert Level 2, the risk of COVID-19 being present in the community is higher. You should wear masks in situations where physical distancing is not possible, like on public transport or in shops.
It’s important Wintec is a safe environment for everyone at Alert Level 2.
Please be assured increased cleaning regimes are in place, and we will have hand sanitiser readily available in all areas.
We will continue to update you on developments as we work through our response to Level 2.
Don’t forget to check into our COVID-19 Information and updates section on this website for information and contact details for support, wellbeing, learning, services and technology. We’re updating this section as we hear more with information to help you.
Keep in touch, reach out and we will do our best to support you.
Remember, play it safe. Kia kaha – stay strong.
9 June 2020
Message to students: What does Alert Level 1 mean for you at Wintec?
By now you will probably know we are in Alert Level 1 today. It’s a great feeling to get to this point because it means that access to our campuses and services has overnight returned to a new level of normal.
Thank you for your part in helping us deal with a tough few months. It wasn’t easy, but together with the 5 million other people of New Zealand Aotearoa, we’ve eliminated COVID-19 for now.
The past few months has taught us some good lessons – that contact tracing, good hygiene and staying away when we are sick are the three things we need to continue to do to keep safe, and protect yourself, your whānau and your community.
From today, we’re asking Wintec students, staff and visitors to download and use the NZ COVID Tracer app at Wintec campuses.
You can download the app via the App store or Google Play, Log in and Sign up then use the QR codes on campus to record your presence.
It’s important we all follow the 10 golden rules of Alert Level 1 to stay safe:
- If you're sick, stay home.
- If you have cold or flu symptoms call your doctor or Healthline. Get tested.
- Wash your hands.
- Sneeze or cough into your elbow and disinfect surfaces.
- Isolate immediately if told so by authorities.
- If you have underlying conditions, talk with your GP about precautions.
- Keep track of where you've been. Use the NZ COVID Tracer app and the QR codes displayed on Wintec campuses.
- Businesses should help by displaying QR codes.
- Stay vigilant.
- Be kind to others and to yourself.
You can also register your details through the web app at
Financial support
In the past weeks we have been able to support more students than ever before through the Wintec Hardship Grant. To find out more about this and also other financial support options visit Funding Your Study.
City campus
- The City Hub is open to everyone from 7am-8pm Monday – Thursday and until 5pm on Friday with swipe access for staff and students outside of these hours and over the weekend.
- The Library is open 8am until 4pm weekdays, and also operating online .
- ITS Help Desk is open from 8am until 4pm or email or call 0800 494 6832.
- Wintec Health Services on the City campus is open 8.30am – 3.30pm Monday - Friday. Please phone first on 07 834 8869 to make an appointment.
Rotokauri campus
- The Rotokauri Hub (S Block) is open from 6am-7pm Monday – Friday with swipe access for staff and students outside these hours and over the weekend until 10pm.
- The Library is open 8am until 4pm weekdays, and also operating online.
- Health Services at Rotokauri is open on Wednesdays from 8.30am – 3.30pm. Please phone first on 07 834 8869 to make an appointment.
Free parking
Wintec students can park for free on the City and Rotokauri campus in the student parking areas until 10 July 2020 (that’s the last day of the semester). Parking is subject to availability.
Semester 1 classes
Even though for some of you, your classes may still remain mostly online for the remainder of the semester, you now have the opportunity for tutorials or face-to-face sessions with your tutors on campus. Contact
your tutors if you would like to have this made available to you, or if you have any questions about anything about your course. You can also email us at We want
to see you getting all the help you can to succeed this semester.
No more social distancing
Under Alert Level 1 social distancing no longer remains, so our classrooms, our furniture layout and our hubs all return to normal.
Laptops and modems
Over the last few months, we have been able to support many of you with loan laptops and modems to continue your study. These will remain available to you until the end of your Semester 1 programme. We will be
in touch directly on how to return the tech equipment over the next week. For everyone else, our computer labs are back open and we have fixed and loan laptops available via the dispensers in the City and Rotokauri hubs. If you have questions, contact
the ServiceDesk.
If you would like assistance for other reasons (e.g. general support, laptop/device issues, IT help) then please email us at or call O800 2 WINTEC (0800 294 6832).
So welcome back to campus everyone! To those who are going through assessments or sitting exams right now, all the best. Reach out if you need help. Take care everyone and stay strong, kia kaha.
29 May 2020
Wintec is open for students - here are the details
We’d like to see our campuses buzzing again and our students being able to access the services and facilities that help you.
First, it’s really important we keep safe when back on the campus. Contact tracing is a government requirement for all tertiary providers so we are doing this with an app that connects with QR codes on entranceways to check you in when on campus. You can find out about how to check in to Wintec using the Wintec Student Contact Tracer App and the QR codes at
Before you return to campus, download the app and remember to bring your ID card. You will need it to access buildings.
Here’s a checklist of what’s open and available to students:
Queen’s Birthday Weekend (Saturday 30 May - Monday 1 June)
- City and Rotokauri hubs are open with swipe access only for students and staff from 8am-4pm each day.
- Laptop dispensers are available for students to use in the hubs – please following the cleaning guidelines at these dispensers.
- The Library is not physically open at either hub during the weekend, but it is operating its online.
- Food vendors are not open on the weekends.
- For IT support email or call the Service Desk on 0800 494 6832.
Next week - Tuesday 2 June onwards
City campus
- The City hub is open with swipe access only for staff and students from 8am-4pm each day.
- Food vendors are open.
- The Library is open 8am until 4pm weekdays, and also operating online .
- ITS Help Desk is open from 8am until 4pm or email or call 0800 494 6832.
- Student Learning Services front counter open 9am-3pm daily during weekdays.
- Learner advisor drop-in sessions are 11am-1pm Monday to Thursday.
- Te Kete Kōnae and Student Life are open weekdays from 9am-3pm.
- Pastoral advisor drop-in sessions 11am-1pm Monday to Friday (in the hub by the flag).
- Wintec Health Services on the City campus remains open by appointment only. Please phone first on 07-834-8869 to make an appointment.
- Student Enrolment and Information Centre (SEIC), A Block open 8am-4pm weekdays, or call 0800 2 WINTEC or email
- International student advisor is available 9am-3pm in the Student Enrolment and Information Centre
Rotokauri campus
- The Rotokauri Hub (S Block) is open 8am – 4pm with swipe access only for staff and students each day.
- The food vendor is open weekdays.
- The Library is open 8am until 4pm weekdays, and also operating online.
- ITS Help Desk is open from 8am until 4pm or email or call 0800 494 6832.
- Student Learning Services – Learning advisor drop-ins 11am-1pm Tuesday and Thursday. Please bring a device or digital copy of your work, as we will be operating a paperless service.
- Pastoral advisor drop-ins 11am-1pm Tuesday to Friday.
- International Advisor 9am-3pm (look for International Student Support banner).
- Student Enrolment and Information Centre 10am-2pm, based in Rotokauri hub (S Block).
- Health Services at Rotokauri is open on Wednesdays from 8.30am – 3.30pm. Please phone first on 07-834-8869 to make an appointment.
Remember for all information and updates related to COVID-19 and Wintec visit the COVID-19 information and updates section at
For official up-to date information on life and business during Alert Level 2 visit
If you need help, reach out. Talk to your tutor, call us on 0800 2 Wintec or email for info about your course.
Kia noho haumaru - stay safe, keep up the distancing and enjoy some time out with your friends and whānau this weekend.
22 May 2020
Wintec students – here’s what next week is going to look like on campus
It’s time for another student update. We’re ready to make more services and areas of Wintec available to you, so we’re sure you are going to welcome this message.
After the survey email you received on Tuesday, a good number of you requested specific information which we will cover in this email and update on ourCovid-19 FAQs page.
It’s really great to share this good news, about which areas and services we are reopening next week from Monday 25 May. To do this, we must ensure that we’re all playing it safe and all the Alert Level 2 ‘golden rules’ apply – keep your distance, wash your hands frequently, and above all, please stay away if you are unwell for any reason (and get tested if you have flu-like symptoms).
Here goes:
Checking in if you are back on campus
Contact tracing is a Government requirement for everyone who comes onto our campuses. To make this easy for students,we have QR codes at the entry to all classrooms and key buildings linked to
a contact tracing app. Firstly, you need to download the free Wintec Contact Tracing app then look out for the codes and follow the instructions. It’s a safety measure. Simply put, if anyone on the campus tests positively for Covid-19, we need
to be able to contact those in close proximity. Your details may only be shared with the Ministry of Health for this purpose.
Download the Wintec Student Contact Tracing App:
Go to the App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android), look forPower Appsfrom Microsoft, it has a purple brand. Download the app and use your Wintec Student ID to log in. For more detailed instructions,visitCheck in at Wintec.
Free parking
Wintec students can park for free on the City and Rotokauri campus in the student parking areas until 10 July 2020 (that’s the last day of the semester).
Late submissions
There should be no penalties for late submissions this semester but if you need more time, you need to get in touch with your tutor. Special considerations will apply.
Our hubs
The City and Rotokauri hubs will be open from Monday to Friday from 9am-4pm from Monday 25 May. There are computers available in the hubs and library areas to use. Please wipe down your keyboards after use. The laptop dispensers
will be temporarily out of use, due to some repair work that needs to occur next week. Our furniture has changed around a bit to meet physical distancing requirements, but you can still come into the hubs and make the most of these great study spaces.
Our normal food vendors will be back onsite. Vending machines will be stocked, please practise safe hygiene. Hand sanitisers, wipes, gloves and masks are available to use throughout the hubs.
Tutorials/Labs/practical/ sessions
Tutors are booking on-campus sessions for those of you who need to attend practicals, face-to-face tests or exams and tutorial sessions. Look out for an email or an announcement from your tutor
during Zoom sessions.
Don't forget
Your ID card is needed to swipe into buildings. Don’t forget to check in using the QR codes.
Student support and information continues to be delivered online.But, if you have classes on campus or you need to visit the Library, Student Enrolment and Information Centre or the hubs at either the City or Rotokauri campuses next week, we’ve got some good news for you. Here are specific details for each campus.These services will be consistent until the end of the semester:
City campus
- The Student Enrolment and Information Centre is open from 10am – 2pm Monday to Friday.
- An international student advisor will be available from 12-1pm (based in the Student Information and Enrolment Centre).
- The Student Learning Support counter in the Hub will be staffed from 10am – 2pm Monday to Friday.
- A learning advisor will available 11am – 1pm Monday to Thursday in SLS. Please bring a device or digital copy of your work, as we will be operating a paperless service.
- The Library will be open from 9am-4pm Monday to Friday.
- ITS support staff are available if students call the service desk on 0800-494-6832 or
- A pastoral student advisor will be available 11am – 1pm for a daily drop-in under the student support flag in the Hub.
- Wintec Health Services on the City campus remains open by appointment only. Please phone first on 07-834-8869 to make an appointment.
Rotokauri campus
- An international student advisor is available from 12pm-1pm at the Student Information circular desk from Monday- Friday.
- The Library will be open 9am-4pm Monday to Friday.
- A learning advisor will available 11am – 1pm Tuesday and Thursday under the student support flag in the Hub. Please bring a device or digital copy of your work, as we will be operating a paperless service.
- A pastoral student advisor will be available from 11am-1pm Tuesday to Friday under the student support flag in the Hub.
- ITS support staff are available if students call the service desk on 0800-494-6832 or
- Health Services at Rotokauri will open every Wednesday from 8.30am – 3.30pm. Please phone first on 07-834-8869 to make an appointment.
With ‘Play it safe’ still our motto, please continue to access distance support where possible.If you need help, reach out. Talk to your tutor,call us on 0800 2 Wintec or email info about your course. Don’t forget to check into our Covid-19 FAQs page for information and contact details for support, wellbeing, learning, services and technology. We’re adding to this page as we hear more from you.
So keep in touch, reach out and we will do our best to support you. Remember, play it safe. And we’ll see you soon. Kia kaha – stay strong.
19 May 2020
Update to students - How Wintec can help with learning and life at Level 2
We hope you are settling into Alert Level 2 conditions and are now enjoying a bit more time out of your bubble, meeting up with friends and family/whānau and being out and about. Here at Wintec, tutors are starting to book on-campus sessions for those
of you who need to attend practicals, face-to-face tests or exams and tutorial sessions. Look out for an email or an announcement from your tutor during Zoom sessions. We know that for some of you it has been a difficult time moving so
quickly to online or remote learning, but we are here to help.
It is important we continue to understand how things are going for you so we can keep improving, so thanks to many of you who have completed surveys to help us make these
Due to your feedback, we have been able to distribute over 100 loan laptops to those who could do with some technology help. We are also continuing to send out mobile modems and parking is free for any Wintec student who
needs to come onto our City or Rotokauri campuses until 10 July – the end of Semester 1. We have also made our Wintec Hardship Grant more accessible for any of you who may need extra financial support. To find out more, email or check out
We want to make this experience as easy as possible for you. If you have any concerns about your programme (assessments/course content/rest of semester study) or
are at risk with your health or home situation, please talk to your tutors or the team manager for your area - they can guide you through the processes available to you.
If you would like assistance for other reasons (e.g:
general support, laptop/device issues, IT help) then please email us at or call O800 2 WINTEC (0800 294 6832)
From our (extended) bubbles to yours
Ngā manaakitanga,
The team supporting you at Wintec
13 May 2020
Update for Wintec students - Studying at Wintec during Alert Level 2
Tēnā koutou katoa. By now you would have heard that on Thursday 14 May New Zealand will move into Alert Level 2 in our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As a Wintec student, you will naturally want to know what that means for your ongoing study and learning, and how we are supporting you at Wintec.
Firstly, we all need to follow the ‘golden rules’ of Alert Level 2
- Play it safe. COVID-19 is still out there.
- If you are sick, or have cold or flu-like symptoms, stay at home. Don’t come in if you are unwell or at-risk.
- If you have symptoms of cold or flu call your doctor or Healthline and get tested.
- Sneeze and cough into your elbow, regularly disinfect surfaces
- Maintain distance from other people - at least 1 metre apart. In education the specific physical distancing rules are 1 metre.
- Keep track of where you’ve been and who you’ve seen.
- When you do come back to the campus, ensure you have your Wintec ID card for Cardax access.
- Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands.
Keep informed from reliable sources. Find out more about Alert Level 2 here.
Learning at Wintec during Level 2
- From next week onwards (Monday 18 May), some classes, in particular, those with practical components, will begin to be taught on campus. We’re working on layout and capacity of classes due to the physical distancing requirements, along with timetabling to keep you as safe as possible.
- You will be contacted by your Centres and tutors if you are going to have courses on campus.
- For now, the majority of our programmes for Semester 1 will remain being taught remotely and online.
- The good news is this alert level allows some more flexibility to incorporate tutorials and drop-in sessions on campus if needed.
- Workplace-based learning will be conducted within the specific rules applicable to the relevant industry.
Access to Wintec buildings and services during Alert Level 2
- The hubs at both campuses will remain closed next week to allow us time to fully set these areas up so we can manage safe distancing and hygiene going forward. This also means our food vendors will not be in operation next week.
- Our Enrolment Centre will remain closed to physical visits next week and will continue working online.
- Wintec Library will continue to operate online.
- Wintec Health Services on the City campus remains open by appointment only. Please phone first on 07-834-8869 to make an appointment.
- Kidz@Wintec our early childhood centre will open on Monday 18 May.
It’s important that when you return, Wintec is a safe environment for everyone to return to at Alert Level 2.
Please be assured that when you return, increased cleaning regimes are in place, and we will have hand sanitiser readily available in all areas. There is no requirement to wear gloves or masks, it is your choice whether you wear them.
We will continue to take a phased approach to gradually reopening our campuses during the coming weeks, and we’ll continue to update you on developments as we work through our response to Level 2.
Don’t forget to check into our Learning during lockdown FAQs page for information and contact details for support, wellbeing, learning, services and technology. We’re adding to this page as we hear more from you. So keep in touch, reach out and we will do our best to support you.
Remember, play it safe. And we’ll see you soon. Kia kaha – stay strong.
Ngā mihi,
David Christiansen
Chief Executive - Wintec
8 May 2020
Update for Wintec students – Semester 1 study update and Alert Level 2 planning
Kia ora koutou, happy Friday, that’s another week down! Hopefully it won’t be long now until we can enjoy getting back to a less restricted version of “normal life” both at home, study and at work.
After yesterday’s government briefing and updates on Level 2, we’re now getting a clearer picture on what things may look like for Wintec staff and students in the near future. Remember though, right now we are all in Alert Level 3, and Wintec’s facilities and campuses are closed. (Except for a small number of classes that were able to be started under Alert Level 3 this week and into next week).
“Play it safe” is the big message we need to remember when, and if, we go into Alert Level 2. Timing of this will be announced by the Government next Monday (11 May 2020).
For Wintec as we go into Alert Level 2, it means we will continue to have the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff as a number one priority. Including looking after our vulnerable people, and being open and able to respond to assist you to complete your studies with us.
We know it’s important that there is clarity and certainty on what Alert Level 2 is going to look like for all of us. From next Monday centres will be in touch with you via email on what you can specifically expect for the rest of Semester 1, including assessments, practicals/practicum and examination details. As we move further into Level 2 some of these plans can still change if we open back up again.
One thing that won’t necessarily open immediately when Alert Level 2 starts are our hubs at the City and Rotokauri campus and some related services. We will reopen hubs and associated services as promptly as possible – but only when we are able to ensure we have the processes, systems, cleaning regimes, physical distancing and contact tracing in and out of these spaces as required to manage them safely.
We will continue to communicate with you regularly on updates around your studies, Wintec campus facilities and support available for you.
How are you feeling? Here’s some links for support
Get help with essential services and basic needs.
- Find help with feelings of isolation or stress here:,, and a new resource launched last week
- If at any time you wish to speak to someone you can free call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor for free through the Ministry of Health. You can also use Wintec’s EAP service provided by Benestar. Contact them on 0800 360 364 or email to arrange an appointment via phone-based counselling during this challenging time. You will need to let them know you are a Wintec student.
- Our Student Learning Services and Te Kēte Konae team are also here to help you. Email or to get in contact or have a chat with your tutor if you feel you need specialised support. You can also contact our Wintec chaplain, Carissa Allen for support, email
- If you’re an international student, our International team is here to help you. Email
- We are taking your feedback and regularly adding information to our Learning during Lockdown FAQs page. There are a lot of resources there to help you.
And finally, speaking of support, our Te Kete Kōnae and Māori Achievement team have created this fantastic video…I love the way they can toss a phone to each other during lockdown. Ka mau te wehi!
Ngā mihi,
David Christiansen
Chief Executive - Wintec
1 May 2020
Update for Wintec students - Semester 1 study update
Haere mai and welcome back from your break. In keeping with the times we are in, this is a virtual welcome back as we continue to deliver your learning online.
While we are in Alert Level 3, our staff and students are continuing to teach and learn remotely but we are currently working through what’s going to happen once the Government potentially announces the change to Alert Level 2. There will be an announcement on 11 May from the Government as to when New Zealand could go into Level 2.
As students you should expect we are going to continue to teach mostly online for the rest of this semester, even if the alert levels change. It is unlikely that many classes or courses will return to being taught on campus this Semester. Your safety and wellbeing is important to us, as well as ensuring you have a consistent learning experience during the circumstances of the COVID-19 situation.
From next week, as we are still in Alert Level 3, we are now only able to teach a small number of practical courses on campus, and individual students in those courses are being contacted. The Wintec campuses and buildings remain closed during Alert Level 3, except for those students and staff in approved courses which can be taught in Alert Level 3.
By the end of next week our centres and tutors will be able to update you exactly on what the rest of Semester 1 is going to look like for your learning and how it will be delivered.
Thanks to all of you who have continued to feed back to our student surveys. Our student support team is working to ensure that you are all keeping well and you have what you need to continue to study the course you signed up for. We want you to know we’re here for you so if you need support please let us know.
How are you feeling? Here’s some links for support
Get help with essential services and basic needs.
Find help with feelings of isolation or stress here:,, and a new resource launched last week
If at any time you wish to speak to someone you can free call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor for free through the Ministry of Health. You can also use Wintec’s EAP service provided by Benestar. Contact them on 0800 360 364 or email to arrange an appointment via phone-based counselling during this challenging time. You will need to let them know you are a Wintec student.
Our Student Learning Services and Te Kēte Konae team are also here to help you. Email or to get in contact or have a chat with your tutor if you feel you need specialised support. You can also contact our Wintec chaplain, Carissa Allen for support, email
If you’re an international student, our International team is here to help you. Email
We are taking your feedback and regularly adding information to our Learning during Lockdown FAQs page. There are a lot of resources there to help you.
We understand these are tough times for many of you as you continue to study from home, where you may also be supporting family/whānau and being distanced from friends and events, so please do keep in touch and let us know how we can support you.
Take care and keep strong. Kia kaha,
Ngā mihi,
David Christiansen
Chief Executive - Wintec
23 April 2020
Message for students: Update on Learning at Wintec during Level 3
Many of you are coming out of term break soon and most of you will have questions around what is happening to your study as New Zealand goes into Alert Level 3 after midnight on Tuesday 28 April.
Between Alert Level 4 and 3 not a lot will change for you
We still need to stay home and save lives.
Maintaining a safe distance from each other will ensure the progress New Zealand has made against the spread of COVID-19 continues, and we unite to stamp out the virus. You can find out more about Alert Level 3 at
Learning at Wintec will continue to be online
Our campuses will remain closed but our teaching and learning will continue online and remotely.
There may be some practical courses that could be taught on campus in Alert Level 3. We are still working out what those could be, following the guidance from the Government. When there are decisions made about this, you will be contacted individually by email and phone.
We know that many of you have commitments at home with whānau and children, and you may not be able to attend. We will be taking this into account in making decisions, so don’t worry, we will support you based on your individual needs .
Accessing Wintec facilities and services
During Alert Level 3, our campuses including the student hubs will remain closed. Our library will continue to operate online. Wintec
Health Services will continue to operate from the Wintec City campus and you will still need to phone first, before you come in.
Before anyone returns to the campus, we are thoroughly cleaning our buildings and sites - including surfaces, furniture, floors and heating/cooling systems.
How are you feeling? Here’s some links for support
Get help with essential services and basic needs.
Find help with feelings of isolation or stress here:,, and a new resource launched last week
If at any time you wish to speak to someone you can free call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor for free through the Ministry of Health. You can also use Wintec’s EAP service provided by Benestar. Contact them on 0800 360 364 or email to arrange an appointment via phone-based counselling during this challenging time. You will need to let them know you are a Wintec student.
Our Student Learning Services and Te Kēte Konae team are also here to help you. Email or to get in contact or have a chat with your tutor if you feel you need specialised support. You can also contact our Wintec chaplain, Carissa Allen for support, email
If you’re an international student, our International team is here to help you. Email
Your feedback helps us a lot
While we continue through these alert levels, we want to understand how things are going with you so we can keep improving. You will have received a link to a short survey (1-2 minutes to complete) this
week, that can help us to provide support where needed (this could be anything from counselling services to IT support). We want to keep working with you to improve, so we really do appreciate the time you take to fill this out and any future feedback
you provide. Its about helping us to help you and student wellbeing and helping to enable you to complete your study is really important to us.
We are taking your feedback and regularly adding information to our Learning during Lockdown FAQs page. There are a lot of resources there to help you.
We are committed to your learning and that means enabling you to do well, so please continue to give us feedback, ask for help when you need it and where you need it.
Take care and keep strong. Kia kaha,
Ngā mihi,
David Christiansen
Chief Executive - Wintec
17 April 2020
Message for students: Looking ahead - Learning at Wintec during Level 3
You may have seen that yesterday the Government released some further information around what Alert Level 3 will look like, including some details for the education sector. And on Monday it is expected they will clarify the likely timeline around any move to Level 3.
For you as a student, you’ve probably been wondering how this affects you and how this alert level change is going to affect how your classes are delivered.
The key guideline in Alert Level 3, specifically for the tertiary sector and Wintec is:
‘Most tertiary education will be through distance learning. Tertiary education facilities may open for limited activities involving small stable groups (up to 10 people who do not change). Campus research that can’t be done off campus such as lab work, and practical hands on learning, such as trades courses, where the learning can happen in small groups with appropriate physical distancing. Courses where close contact is unavoidable will remain online only.”
So, this means once the nation moves into Level 3, not a lot is going to change around how you are studying with us right now, and our focus will be to continue to deliver your courses online.
Over the next week Wintec will be working through potential options where there may be some courses that could be taught on campus in Alert Level 3. If you are enrolled in a course we can deliver from the campus safely we will be in touch with you directly.
All students, please be assured, we will communicate with you if, and when, there are any changes.
It is important to note that we currently remain in Level 4. Before we make any changes we do need to get some more information together, and to plan how we move next.
Thanks to everyone who has been sending questions or queries through Student Voice. Your wellbeing is really important to us.
We’ve taken a number of those questions and set up a new Learning during Lockdown FAQs page on our website. We are adding questions and answers to this almost daily so if there is something that’s worrying you or you’d like more information, please check in here first. There’s information on this page for learning remotely, tech support, wellbeing and financial support and more.
In the meantime, check out this link for full information about Alert Level 3.
Kia kaha, take care everyone.
Ngā mihi
David Christiansen
Wintec Chief Executive
15 April 2020
More financial support for students
The Government has increased the amount of support available for domestic students through StudyLink.
So if you’re enrolled in full-time study and under the age of 55, you will be able borrow up to $2,000 to help with your course-related costs this year (increased from $1,000).
If you can’t access your course online, you’ll continue to receive your student loan payments as normal throughout the four-week lockdown period, and for up to four weeks afterwards. This flexibility is already available for student allowance payments.
If you want to limit the amount you borrow or don’t want to continue to receive your living cost payment during this time, you can change your payment amount in MyStudyLink.
Remember, if your parents have a change in their income, you may become eligible for Student Allowance, or the amount you can get may change. There’s more information here.
Studylink may be able to help you if you have emergency costs.
For the full media release and some further information visit the Ministry of Education website.
8 April 2020
Update for students: Easter term break
Wintec is going into term break for two weeks from this Friday 10/04. Here’s some information on what is available to students during this time:
Support Services
Our support teams, including Student Learning Services, Te Kete Kōnae, Disabilities, Student Life and International Student Services are taking a break over Easter from 5pm Thursday 9 April
until 8am Wednesday 15 April, but you can still access all our resources online.
Check out our Academic Toolkit through your Moodle landing page for all our online resources.
You can still email your support teams through,, or and we will get back to you as soon as possible after the Easter break.
International students: If you need urgent help from an International Student Services Advisor call the 24/7 helpline on 021 703 730.
Health Services
Wintec City Health Services (including our counselling
service) is closed Friday 10/04 -Tuesday 14/04 and will reopen on Wednesday 17/04 at 8.30am.
Rotokauri Health Services remains closed during the lockdown.
If you need medical support, please phone Anglesea Clinic or Victoria Clinic but check their websites first to see their COVID-19 process.
Our Librarians are taking a break over Easter from 5pm Thursday 9 April until 8am Wednesday 15 April, but you can still access all our resources online.
For APA assistance visit
For subject guides, tutorials and other helpful information:
And of course our ebooks, databases and electronic articles are still available and can be found here
You can still email your liaison librarian, the library at, or leave a message on our chat service and we will get back to you as soon as possible after the Easter break.
6 April 2020
Learning at Wintec during the COVID-19 Lockdown - Frequently Asked Questions
Together we’re working with our students to deliver your education – online.
For students, this can be a different way of learning, while we are all in lockdown, and it has its challenges.
We've now taken your most frequently
asked questions and created a Lockdown FAQs page which we will continue to update as we hear
more from you.
1 April 2020
Student wellbeing, Studylink, tenancy and it's day 1 of a new era for New Zealand's vocational training sector
Kia ora students, we know you have been busy re-arranging your life and juggling lots of different commitments, not to mention figuring out how your online learning will look like. We want to let you know we are here, working to help make this work as well as we can for you all - so each week, we’ll touch base with you via email, share some resources and answer your frequently asked questions. Please check your email for more information.
Financial support (for domestic students)
- You will continue to receive your weekly StudyLink payments if you remain enrolled – so please stay enrolled. Staying enrolled also means you will be eligible for any additional support for students in the future.
- If you need extra financial help during this time, you can find information about emergency assistance on the StudyLink website.
What if my academic performance is affected?
- If any of the actions taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in New Zealand impact your ability to complete or pass your course, your provider and StudyLink will take this into account if you apply for a Student Allowance or a loan again in the future.
What if my rent increases or I am evicted from my flat?
- There is a freeze on rental increases. Your landlord cannot increase the rent unless you were advised before the lockdown period. For the best and most up to date information on tenancy, visit
What the Alert Level 4 lockdown means for students
- Students must remain where they are living/staying for the duration of the lockdown.
Student communication with Wintec around COVID-19
The wellbeing and support for our students is a primary focus for us at Wintec. Please keep us updated if you have been tested or confirmed as having COVID-19.
We are asking all our students and staff to advise of the following over the next four weeks and beyond:
- Have you undergone a COVID-19 test?
- Have you tested positive for COVID-19?
If you answer yes to any of the above, please let us know by filling out the Wintec COVID-19 update form. We will use this information from the form to stay in touch with you and provide any wellbeing or pastoral support that you may need. This information is stored in a secure location and only accessed by authorised personnel for the purpose of COVID-19 management and support.
It’s 1 April today, isn’t that the day Wintec becomes part of NZIST?
Today the New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology (NZIST) board met to formally establish NZIST as an entity. Then on 2 April the new board of Waikato Institute of Technology Ltd will meet to formally incorporate Wintec as a limited liability company and a subsidiary of NZIST. It will, of course be a virtual meeting! While this signals
the structural realisation of the Education Minister’s Reform of Vocational Education, for now, little else will change for quite some time – and even more so, given the current circumstances. For our students and the way
Wintec delivers, it’s business as usual, as much as it can be right now.
For updates on the merger check out the FAQs page.
Our community
Students please check your email. We are also regularly updating student information to this page and sharing updates via Wintec’s main social media pages.
If you want some support, check out the Academic Toolkit through Moodle. There are heaps of learning resources, as well as wellness tips and other information that may be helpful.
30 March 2020
Wintec Health Centre update
If you are registered with Wintec’s Health Services, we are here to support you. While we are operating under Alert Level 4, you must phone or email us first to request an appointment, get medical advice or a repeat prescription (these are sent to a pharmacy of your choice).
Our City campus health centre is operating from 8.30am - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. You can contact them on 07 834 8869 or email
Please note that our Rotokauri clinic is closed.
At the moment we are not offering health screening but we can provide eligible registered patients a funded flu vaccination. Take care and stay safe.
27 March 2020
Wintec Library - information for students
Wintec City and Rotokauri libraries are physically closed right now, so here’s what to do if you have books, or you are missing your library fix:
1. Hold on to your library items for now as you can't return them
2. You will not be fined for overdue items
3. Physical items will auto renew
4. There will be no recalls for items already out
5. There will be no physical distance
6. There will be no interlibrary loans.
Online eResources are available. Check out our interactive tutorials and learning resources at
Students can email us at Liaison librarians will be available for referencing support and teaching online, through email or Zoom. Contact them
25 March 2020
COVID-19 wellbeing and support for Wintec students
Over the next four weeks, the wellbeing and support for our students is a primary focus for us at Wintec.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve and we move from our current Alert level 3 to Alert Level 4 at 11.59pm tonight, it’s really important we remain calm and ensure that we are sticking to the facts.
The most up-to-date and reputable information can be found on the Ministry of Health website and the NZ Government COVID-19 website.
We are also regularly updating student information to the COVID-19 page on
This email is to give our students guidance with regards to the process for situations that specifically relate to COVID-19 and health concerns.
We are asking all our students and staff to advise of the following over the next four weeks and beyond:
- Have you been in close contact with any person who has tested positive for COVID-19?
- Have you undergone a COVID-19 test?
- Have you tested positive for COVID-19?
If you answer yes to any of the above, please let us know by filling out the Wintec COVID-19 update form.
Wellbeing support for students
We have made available our wellbeing support provider, Benestar for students at this time. To access support please email and they can arrange phone-based counselling for you. You can also call Benestar on 0800 360 364 however we are mindful of the volume of calls they are currently receiving so please in the first instance email.
You can also head to and log in using the following information, wintec & w38eap then head to their ‘Coronavirus’ pages which contain relevant information to help you through this difficult time.
Please take care of yourself and your family/whānau at this time. Noho ora mai.
24 March 2020
Wintec student assessments
If you have assessments due, please don’t stress about your due dates. We are working through a period of change and you can expect an update from your tutors on changes to any due dates for assessments on 30 March.
If you
have completed work you are welcome to submit it, but this is not necessary this week.Its more important you focus on this time if needed to prepare for the next four weeks. We will get through this and we’re working behind the scenes to continue
to deliver your courses and ensure you are not disadvantaged.
Remember if you need any support, Student Learning Services and Te Kete Kōnae are physically open until 5pm Wednesday 25 March. After this, email;; or
23 March 2020
Wintec Covid-19 student update
Today the Prime Minister announced Aotearoa New Zealand is in Alert Level 3 and will move to Alert Level 4 in 48 hours. Since the announcement, we have been assessing and evaluating the situation and defining what this means for our learners, our staff and our Wintec community.
What this means is that by 5pm on Wednesday 25 March, you need to be prepared for the physical closure of Wintec campuses for the following four weeks. This means you, our students, will need to be operating off-campus, and engaging with your programmes remotely from home over that time, if you are able.
Before the shutdown on Wednesday, you have got 48 hours to get prepared, as best you can for this shutdown period. Until then, Wintec’s campuses will remain open through Tuesday and Wednesday, so that you can prepare.
On Sunday, we announced we would close classes for up to five days to enable us to work towards moving more of our teaching and our work online. This continues and many of you should expect to be contacted by your tutors in the near future as many of our programmes get turned back on.
What services will be open at Wintec tomorrow until 5pm Wednesday?
- Security – operating as normal
- Health Services – ALL appointments including counselling will be via phone consultation with a doctor or nurse. Call 07 834 8869 or email to make an appointment with the Health Services team.
- The City and Rotokauri hubs (swipe card access)
- The Library
- Enrolment and Student Information at a reduced capacity
- Access to 24-hour spaces e.g. Design Factory NZ and Media Arts studios
- Student Learning Services and Te Kete Kōnae - City campus
- Service Desk
What is closed tomorrow?
- Kidz @Wintec
What happens next?
We will give you further updates tomorrow.
We acknowledge this can be an unsettling time for you all, we will endeavour at all times to keep you well-informed and minimise the impact on your learning.
We will do our best to make available as many of our support services as we can in a remote way so that you are supported through this time.
We will keep channels open for you to communicate with us through this period.
While we will be shut down in a physical sense, we are committed to supporting as best we can.
- Keep up with our latest Wintec updates here on this page.
- Get the latest national updates and health information on the dedicated New Zealand Government website.
I appreciate this is an incredibly stressful time for everyone. At this time, you need to make time to look after/organise your families and dependents to prepare for the next four weeks where self-isolation and limited travel will mean unexpected changes for everyone.
Remember there is support available at Wintec for students. Any students who need support can contact our external counselling service Benestar on 0800 360 364 to speak with someone who is trained to provide support and assistance. Please just identify yourself as being from Wintec if using this service.
Kia kaha, keep strong, stay well and look out for more updates soon.
Ngā mihi
David Christiansen - Chief Executive - Wintec
22 March 2020
Wintec teaching break for up to one week effective Monday 23 March 2020
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, Wintec will suspend teaching to all students on all Wintec campuses from Monday 23 March for up to five days.
As Wintec prepares for the ongoing challenges of COVID-19, it is important
we keep students and staff safe. We want to move to a mode of operations that means we can support our students with a wide-range of remote learning and student support options.
This teaching break will give our staff me to prepare for more
online programme delivery, to allow for more physical distancing, and to be prepared for the situation if we have to close our campuses at a later stage.
This break in teaching applies to all Wintec students and all Wintec programmes, and
will occur for up to five days. We will progressively “turn on” programmes again when they are ready – which means when we have suitable model for either online delivery, or controlled face-to-face delivery that is safe and can manage
physical distancing appropriately.
Accordingly, there will be some programmes during the week that will go on-line, or start up again, (and for some, this may be as soon as Tuesday or Wednesday). Tutors and centres will be in touch with
students around resuming study. Students, please make sure you check your emails and texts during the week.
Please note that at this stage, we do not need to close our campuses. Our campuses and support services will remain open so students
can continue to use these facilities including our hubs, computer labs, health centre, cafes, etc. Our student accommodation will also remain open.
Please be assured that Wintec is committed to ensuring our students can continue their studies with as little disruption as possible. During this teaching break:
- Your attendance records will be marked as present
- Details around any student placements will be worked through, and you’ll be updated on outcomes
We will work through other issues over time, such as assessments, missed classes and content. We are working with New Zealand Qualifications Authority as a sector on these issues also. Our goal is manage this in the interests of students and minimise
any disadvantage to you. Please be assured we are working through aspects to transition to a managed delivery model for all of our students, whether this is be face-to-face, online or a combination of the two. We are working closely with government
agencies and consistently following their advice so we can best protect the welfare of our students, staff and community. We appreciate that this is a stressful and confusing time. If you have a specific concern or query, please email us and we will do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible. We will keep you updated with any developments. In the meantime, we encourage you all to wash your hands regularly, maintain social distancing
where possible and stay safe. You can read further information on COVID-19 on the government’s COVID-19 website.
20 March 2020
Important notice for all students
All Wintec campuses remain open, and classes are operating as usual. The latest Ministry of Health announcement states that mass gatherings of more than 100 are banned, but this does NOT apply to educational institutions, workplaces, schools, supermarkets or public transport. It is important that we all follow these tips to protect ourselves and others from COVID-19:
- Stay at home if you are unwell.
- Wash your hands regularly and correctly! To do this, you need to wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds and dry your hands for 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.
- Practice social distancing – stay 1 metre away from others where possible.
- Reduce physical contact. We should follow the Prime Minister’s advice not to “hug, hongi or handshake”.
We’ll update you with any new developments around your study and our campuses. Take care everyone.
19 March 2020
Important COVID-19 update
If you have been in close contact (living in the same house or spent more than 15 minutes within close proximity) with someone being tested for COVID-19, please do NOT come to Wintec for 48 hours. If their test results are negative, you may return to Wintec. If their results are positive, you will be required by the Ministry of Health to self-isolate for 14 days from the last time you had contact with the infected person. The Ministry of Health has excellent guidelines on self-isolation that you can access here.
If you are being tested for COVID-19 or have been told by Healthline to self-isolate, we NEED TO KNOW. Please email with your name and student ID number.
Did you know that if you returned from overseas in the last 14 days, you are now required to self-isolate for 14 days?
Again, we need to know if you are self-isolating so we can work through your study or work options. We’re here to help, and it’s best that we know your situation for the safety of yourself and others. Simply send your details to this form.
For the latest advice on the COVID-19 situation, including self-isolation guidelines, the new travel restrictions and general health advice, please visit the Ministry of Health website.
17 March 2020
Wintec campuses are open
We want to assure you as a Wintec student, that in light of the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, that for now, all Wintec campuses will remain open and classes will continue as normal.
Yesterday we made the decision to cancel our Graduation and Special Awards ceremonies happening this week, on the same day the Prime Minister announced limitations on large gatherings. The Government has put these restrictions in place to help ensure our country remains a safe place for all residents and visitors.
We will continue to monitor the situation closely, follow advice and seek guidance from the Ministry of Health and the New Zealand Government and use this information to inform our decision-making. If the situation changes, be assured we will update you via our official channels. You can also keep informed with the latest Wintec or need-to-know information on this page.
Our priority during this time, is the health, wellbeing and safety of our students and staff, and you can be assured we are taking every precaution possible. This includes:
- Ensuring our cleaning staff adhere to strict hygiene measures across all Wintec facilities, including hubs, washrooms and classrooms.
- Providing hygiene guidelines at key points across our campuses as well as increased provision of paper towels, soap and hand sanitizer.
- Working with our students who are affected by travel restrictions. In the wake of travel restrictions put in place by the New Zealand Government from midnight Sunday 15 March, 2020 if you need to self-isolate, we need to hear from you to help us work through your study or work options. Please send your details to this form.
If you are feeling unwell
If you have a fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose, nausea or other symptoms, do not come onto campus and do not come to your classes.
If you are feeling unwell, the first step you should take is to call your doctor. If you have these symptoms and have recently been to a country or area of concern, or have been in close contact with someone confirmed with COVID-19, please telephone Healthline (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or your doctor immediately. Healthline is staffed by friendly, expert nurses who will give you all the information and advice you need to take the right steps to get well.
If you are on campus and feeling unwell, do not come into the Wintec Health Services. Please call 07-834-8869. It is also important that you do not go to any other doctor or medical centre in person. This is because you do not want to infect others if you do have COVID-19 or another illness. Always call Healthline first.
To reduce your risk of illness, always practise good hygiene:
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or by covering your mouth and nose with tissues.
- Put used tissues in the bin or a bag immediately.
- Wash your hands with soap and water often (for at least 20 seconds).
- Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
- Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.
- Avoid personal contact, such as kissing, shaking hands, hugging, sharing cups or food.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects, such as doorknobs.
- Stay home if you feel unwell.
Information and support
For more information, please see the latest update from the Ministry of Health.
Healthline has set up a dedicated 0800 number specifically for health-related calls about coronavirus.
- The number is 0800 358 5453
- Or for international SIMs +64 9 358 5453
- People calling that line will be able to talk with a member of the National Telehealth Service and interpreters will be on hand. The number is staffed by nurses, paramedics and health advisors.
We realise this may be a stressful time and there are options if you would like more support:
- Any students who need support can also contact our external counselling service Benestar on 0800 360 364 to speak with someone who is trained to provide support and assistance. Please just identify yourself as being from Wintec if using this service.
For additional crisis or out of hours support outside of usual office hours:
- Call or text 1737 (free 24/7 counselling phone line, available to call or text)
- Contact the Waikato mental health crisis team on 0800 50 50 50
- In an emergency, always contact 111.
16 March 2020
Wintec Graduation and Special Award Events Cancelled
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, it is with considerable regret, Wintec has made a call to cancel remaining graduation ceremonies and parades, and Special Awards events from 16 -19 March 2020.
Wintec Chief Executive David Christiansen says: "I understand this will be a huge disappointment for graduands, their families/whānau, friends and staff who have been looking forward to this day. This decision reflects developments around COVID-19
over the past 48 hours and the emerging position of government. While recognising it is late notice, we've decided to make the call now to give people as much notice as possible."
Wintec will consider holding graduation ceremonies
later in the year if the situation allows. In the meantime, all graduand qualifications will still be officially conferred. Wintec graduates have the option to collect their certificates or have them mailed out.
Any graduate enquiries
can be sent to
15 March 2020
With the new travel restrictions put in place by the New Zealand Government
from midnight Sunday 15 March, 2020 are you a Wintec student, staff member or contractor who needs to self-isolate?
If so, we need to hear from you.
It is good for us to know to help us work through your study or work options. We’re here to help, and it’s best that we know your situation for the safety of yourself and others.
Simply send your details to this form.
For latest advice on the COVID-19 situation, including self-isolation guidelines, the new travel restrictions and general health advice please visit Ministry of Health website -
Ministry of Health
See the latest advice on the travel restrictions here.
Remember if you feel sick or unwell, there is a dedicated Healthline.
Dedicated 0800 number for health advice and information
Healthline has set up a dedicated 0800 number specifically for health-related calls about coronavirus.
- The number is 0800 358 5453
- Or for international SIMs +64 9 358 5453
- People calling that line will be able to talk with a member of the National Telehealth Service and interpreters will be on hand. The number is staffed by nurses, paramedics and health advisors.
13 March 2020
Travel and border updates from the New Zealand Government as of 12 March 2020
Category 1a countries and territories
- Mainland China
- Iran
The government has announced temporary restriction on travellers arriving in New Zealand from Category 1a countries and territories as a precautionary measure to protect against the spread of COVID-19.
The restrictions prevent foreign nationals travelling from or transiting through Category 1a countries and territories from entering New Zealand.
All New Zealand citizens and permanent residents (and close family members) inbound from Category 1a countries and territories are requested to register with Healthline (0800 358 5453) and to undertake
14 days self-isolation starting
from the date of the departure from that country or territory.
Category 1b countries and territories
- Italy
- Republic of Korea
Category 1b countries and territories do not have travel restrictions in place. People who have been in Category 1b countries and territories (excluding airport transit) are requested to register with Healthline (0800 358 5453)
self-isolate for 14 days starting
from the date of departure from a Category 1b country and territory.
Category 2 countries and territories
- Hong Kong
- Japan
- Singapore
- Thailand
People who have recently travelled from Category 2 countries and territories (excluding airport transit) should be aware of the COVID-19 symptoms. You do not have to self-isolate if you are well. Anyone who develops symptoms within 14 days of departing the Category 2 country and territory should contact Healthline (0800 358 5453).
3 March 2020
The New Zealand Government has agreed to extend border restrictions for travellers from mainland China, Iran and the Diamond Princess cruise ship for a seven-day period.
A new set of temporary border
restriction categories have also been agreed. These cover self-isolation requirements. For more information, read the COVID-19 Border Advisory.
28 February 2020
The first case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in New Zealand.
This case was identified because the person and the family affected did the right thing and got in touch with health authorities.
What is still important is that we are all careful and observe basic health safety. Practising good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene is the best defence:
- wash your hands often with soap and water before and after eating as well as after attending the toilet
- cover coughs and sneezes with clean tissues or your elbow
- put used tissues in the bin
Encourage anyone to stay home if unwell. If you are concerned that someone is showing symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath, encourage them to first ring Healthline (0800 358 5453) or contact their GP by phoning ahead of their visit to explain symptoms and travel history.
For more information visit the Ministry of Health (MOH) COVID-19 question and answers page.
24 February 2020
The New Zealand Government has decided to extend a ban on foreign travellers arriving from China to protect against the spread of coronavirus.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the current
restrictions, which were due to expire at midnight, should remain in place for a further eight days and would be reviewed every 48 hours. New Zealand citizens, permanent residents and their immediate families will be able to return but will have to
self-isolate for 14 days.
18 February 2020
On Saturday 15 February, the New Zealand Government extended the travel restrictions into New Zealand for a further eight days until Monday 24 February, 2020 for all foreign nationals travelling from or transiting through mainland China to assist with the containment of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Student visas: Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has updated its information on student visas.
7 February 2020
The Ministry of Health has recently updated information including:
- a dedicated 0800 number for coronavirus health advice
- updated advice about self-isolation
- Facebook page now live.
Dedicated 0800 number for health advice and information
Healthline has set up a dedicated 0800 number specifically for health-related calls about coronavirus.
- The number is 0800 358 5453
- Or for international SIMs +64 9 358 5453
- People calling that line will be able to talk with a member of the National Telehealth Service and interpreters will be on hand. The number is staffed by nurses, paramedics and health advisors.
Healthline’s existing number is still the main number to call for non-coronavirus health concerns.
Advice about self-isolation
Self-isolation means avoiding situations where you could infect other people. This means all situations where you may come in contact with others, such as social gatherings, work, school, child care/pre-school centres, university, faith-based gatherings, aged care and health care facilities, prisons, sports gatherings, supermarkets, restaurants, shopping malls, and all public gatherings.
If you are a visitor to New Zealand, this means you should avoid sitting in a restaurant, participating in any type of tour group, or using public transport, including flights, buses, and trains between cities in New Zealand.
If you are unsure if you should be self-isolating, please contact Healthline for free on 0800 611 116.
Information about self-isolation has been updated.
Ministry of Health resources
Facebook page
The Ministry of Health now has a Facebook page: @minhealthnz. In addition to their Twitter channel [@minhealthnz], they will be using Facebook to alert people to key updates and messaging specifically about coronavirus.
Questions and answers
The Ministry has developed a novel coronavirus question and answers page. As the situation regarding novel coronavirus can evolve rapidly, the questions and answers page will be updated with the latest information.
Updated factsheet for travellers
The information for travellers arriving into New Zealand has been updated with the latest information. It is available in English (PDF, 161 KB) and simplified Chinese (PDF, 141 KB).
Signs and symptoms
What are the symptoms of 2019-nCoV?
Symptoms of 2019-nCoV are similar to a range of other illnesses such as influenza and do not necessarily mean that you have 2019-nCoV. Symptoms include fever, coughing and difficulty breathing. Difficulty breathing can be a sign of pneumonia and requires immediate medical attention. We don’t yet know how long symptoms take to show after a person has been infected, but current WHO assessments suggest that it is 2–10 days.
What do I do if I am sick right now?
If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing please telephone Healthline (for free) on 0800 611 116.
Download the latest health advice
- Latest health advice on novel coronavirus - 6th February 2020 (PDF, 194 KB)
- Latest health advice on novel coronavirus - 6th February 2020 (Word, 75 KB)
3 February 2020
From today the New Zealand Government is placing temporary entry restrictions into New Zealand on all
foreign nationals travelling from, or transiting through mainland China to assist with the containment of the novel coronavirus and to protect New Zealand and the Pacific Islands from the disease.
31 January 2020
Attention all Wintec students - do any of the following apply to you?
You have been to Wuhan or the Hubei Province in the last 14 days.
You have been in close contact with someone who, within the last 14 days, has been in Wuhan or the Hubei Province.
You have been in close contact with a confirmed or possible Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) case (for example anyone sick with a respiratory type illness) in the last 14 days.
You have been in China in the last 14 days and are experiencing flu-like symptoms: fever; and respiratory symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
If so, we need to hear from you urgently so that we can assess your situation and work with you to manage it. This is a requirement from the New Zealand Government.
If the above does apply to you, please urgently email:
Please note: If the above does apply to you we will be asking you that you do not come onto Wintec campuses until we can establish you are no longer a possible risk.
We will work with you on a case by case basis, and it may require you to stand down for up to 14 days. During this time, we will work to support and advise you and to ensure that you are not disadvantaged if your attendance at Wintec is delayed.
Thank you for your cooperation.
General Advice to all students
If for any reason you believe you have any health issues related to the coronavirus and become concerned about your health please seek medical advice by calling Healthline at 0800 611 116, or contact your doctor.
If you have any questions, please email
The situation relating to the novel coronavirus is evolving. The health of our students and staff is a priority and we will continue to update you on the situation and the latest advice from authorities.
Key sites to visit for the latest information on the virus and travel restrictions and advice are: