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Netball Waikato BOP team up with Wintec to boost player performance

Netball Waikato BOP team up with Wintec to boost player performance

Wintec staff work with Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty U18 squad members. Pictured is a player doing the standing horizontal jump test which measures explosive power and leg strength.

A new partnership with Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty will see Wintec provide a range of high-performance services to help boost the netball organisation’s talent development programme.

Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty’s talent management programme and development teams, including the Under 16, Under 18, Emerging Talent Squad and netball umpires are receiving expertise and support from Wintec’s Centre for Sport Science and Human Performance.

Catering to an impressive 120 players and 20 umpires, the partnership’s ultimate goal is to increase the range, scope and professionalism of Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty.

Wintec is providing analyst services, research, nutrition advice, physiological testing (using Wintec’s in-house testing facilities), fitness testing and life sessions which give young squad members advice on how to achieve a balanced life.

Wintec is also undertaking research and performance analyst services for the Splice Construction Magic netball squad.

Rohan West, Chief Executive Officer, Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty, says: “We are extremely happy to be able to welcome Wintec back into our family of commercial partners. The partnership will make a significant positive impact to our talent pathway squads and players, both academically and athletically.”

“On court we believe this partnership will enable our development teams to achieve better outcomes through a higher level of performance. Additionally, we should see a higher quality of athlete transition through our development teams and into the Magic squad.”

“We also want to give our athletes more opportunities to be balanced and well-rounded people through life coaching sessions and access to Wintec’s education offerings,” he adds.

Wintec’s Centre for Sport Science and Human Performance Director, Greg Smith, agrees saying: “It’s really exciting to be involved with Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty again. We believe this partnership can have real impact and add value to these development teams.”

“Female sport is growing both nationally and internationally. We are keen to support this growth locally and our partnership with Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty is an example of this. The partnership also gives us access to strong female role models which is beneficial for our students,” he adds.

Currently there are six Wintec staff members working with Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty and in the near future there is scope for Wintec students to become involved in the partnership.

All Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty’s teams have been selected and are currently in pre-season mode, training and playing friendly matches. The season starts for Splice Construction Magic on March 15 and all the development teams start playing competitively at the end of March.

Wintec has a number of links with Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty. Magic head coach Amigene Metcalfe is a Wintec graduate and Netball Waikato Bay of Plenty’s high performance manager Ruth Aitken was awarded an honorary degree from Wintec in 2006.

Wintec’s Centre for Sport Science and Human Performance also has partnerships with Hamilton City Netball Centre, St Paul’s Collegiate, St Peter’s and Hamilton Girls High School.

Find  out more about Wintec’s Centre for Sport Science and Human Performance.

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