Nadia Hilton
Core Midwife, Waikato Hospital
Bachelor of Midwifery
Awards: Best Overall Student in the Bachelor of Midwifery, 2015 (shared); Clinical Excellence Award: Complex Care Award in the Bachelor of Midwifery, 2015
Nadia Hilton started working at the Waikato Hospital as a core midwife almost immediately after graduating from Wintec with a Bachelor of Midwifery. “I applied [for a new graduate position] prior to finishing the degree. I had a job offer before I completed the degree,” she says. “It was reassuring to finish knowing that I already had a job to go to.”
At completion of her course she had facilitated or been involved with 75 births, but after a 6-month rotation in Delivery Suite that number has grown much higher. Her busiest shift to date involved the facilitation of three births in eight hours.
Nadia says the skills she learnt during her degree definitely prepared her for midwifery practice, due to its challenging nature. “The degree requires constant thought and reflection, as well as continual evaluation of information and research. It comprises not only academic study but a large clinical component, which requires a great time commitment and organisation.”
Nadia was also a shared recipient of the award for ‘Best Overall Student in the Bachelor of Midwifery’, announced at the 2016 Special Awards. She says she was “surprised, and very humbled” but gives credit to the women involved in her journey. “It is an achievement that is really a reflection on my tutors, the women that gave me the honour of being part of their experiences, and my support networks.”
Her future plans include starting postgraduate study. “I’m particularly passionate about research in the midwifery field, so I’ll see where this takes me.”
She advises any students entering the Bachelor of Midwifery programme to remember what drew them there in the first place. “How on to whatever it is or was that drew you to midwifery, and keep this as your goal. Work hard and maintain your passion.”

“A midwife has the potential to make a positive difference to each woman’s experience”