Midwives are the go-to for women during pregnancy, labour, birth and for several weeks after. They provide support and advice during one of the biggest milestones in a woman’s life. A midwife spends their days educating women on pregnancy, birth and parenting, organising and discussing ultrasounds and blood tests, referring to other specialists when necessary, prescribing medication for labour, examining and caring for newborn babies and advising on breastfeeding, immunisations, contraception and general mother and baby health.
Students studying midwifery at Wintec will graduate with an internationally recognised qualification and the knowledge and experience needed to own their own business as a midwife.
Study combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on learning in real healthcare environments. Students will have the chance to care for women and their babies and learn about the midwifery profession by applying classroom learning in practice. Wintec staff are dedicated and experienced there to guide students every step of the way.
"Having a career I am passionate about is important to me, and I want to be a good role model for my family. I am fortunate, being based in Hawkes Bay, that Wintec has a hub there. This means I only travel to Hamilton 11 weeks of the year and can balance my family life with my study. My ambition is to specialise in Māori health and take care of women, babies, and their whanau in my community."
Our programmes
Professional programmes / short courses
The teaching approach at Wintec is focused on the practical side of learning so that students get the benefits of real-world work environments. Students in the Centre for Health and Social Practice spend time in work placements for credit. The amount of time spent on placement varies according to the year of study; first-year students will spend approximately a quarter of the year doing work placement while third and fourth-year students will spend most of their time on placement.
Kudos Science Trust Award Finalist
Wintec academic and 2019 Kudos Science Trust Award Finalist Ricci Wesselink is making a difference to student learning by flipping the Wintec education model. Her research and practice focus on changing delivery to enhance learning outcomes.
No events.

To check what you need to gain entry to a course, review the entry criteria available on each programme page. These assist you in understanding what qualifications or experience are typically required to gain entry. You can contact our team at info@wintec.ac.nz or 0800 2 Wintec at any time for further guidance.
About the faculty
In the Centre for Health and Social Practice we provide practical interprofessional education that prepares students for a future in the health and social practice industry.
If you have a passion for people, nursing, social work and counselling, physiotherapy, occupational therapy or midwifery are all challenging but rewarding choices. Our courses and programmes are a great way to start your career, supported by experienced and registered academic staff.
Prospectus (course guide)
The Wintec Prospectus (otherwise known as a course guide) outlines everything you need to know about Wintec. It contains information about the Wintec campuses, student life, and the programmes that are on offer.
Access your copy of the Wintec Prospectus
The Wintec Prospectus (course guide) is available by downloading the file - click on a document below to access the file. Alternatively, to request a copy via email or the post, please complete the form below.
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