Nicolas Sandoval

Senior Academic Staff Member
Contact info
My interests are applied sciences and the environment. Outside of work, I enjoy the outdoors as much as I can, this could involve gully restoration or hiking in beautiful New Zealand landscapes.
- Forest and Bird Society Conservation Award (Highest Achievement in Conservation Study and Research)
- New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy & Numeracy Education (Vocational/Workplace) (Level 5)
- New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching (Level 5)
- Diploma in Accounting (Montevideo University)
- Diploma in Technology Science (Wintec)
- Bachelor of Technology Environmental, Endorsement (Wintec)
- Master of Environmental Management (Massey)
Areas of expertise
Industry experience, affiliations, and achievements
Research activity
- Mammalian predators’ movement in urban areas
- Extraction and purification of biological molecules from red blood cell mass
- Residential Solar Harnessing Potential in New Zealand
- Stream health research at conventional and organic dairy farms in the Waikato Region
- Assessing the effectiveness of a novel approach to measure a large roosting congregation in a wetland ecosystem
- Unpicking the hidden toxicity in activewear
- Assessing detrimental ecological effects caused by a large exotic roost at Rotopiko
Select publications
- Innes, J. Fitzgerald, N. and Sandoval, N. (2017). Rat and possum movement in a Hamilton gully. Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, Kararehe Kino Vertebrate pest research, Issue 30 December 2017. Hamilton, New Zealand.
- Sandoval, N., Denyer, K., Dowling, S., Barot, D., & Nathan, F. (2022). Testing the effectiveness of a novel approach to measure a large roosting congregation in a wetland ecosystem. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 47 (1), 1-21. doi:
What do you enjoy about teaching/your job?
I enjoy getting to know ākonga and helping them achieve educational development through their learning path at Wintec | Te Pūkenga.
What do you love about your area?
From an early age, I have been passionate about nature and the environment. My chosen career has allowed me to be actively involved in activities aimed to protect and restore biodiversity in New Zealand.
Tell us about your experience in the industry
I started as an accountant and moved toward applied sciences once settled in New Zealand. Initially, I worked as a research technician here, and in the last 6 years, I have been involved in ecological research which has been my long-lasting passion.