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SPPG015 – Clinical Exercise Physiology

Module code
Module title
Clinical Exercise Physiology
To develop a clinical exercise physiologist as a distinct health-related professional aligned with the existing allied health network. Such a practitioner would understand the context and scope of clinical exercise physiology practice. The clinical exercise physiologist has the expertise in the assessment and prescription of exercise for individuals across their lifespan, to reduce the risk of disease related to physical inactivity and to improve the exercise capacity of people with chronic medical conditions using the clinical best practice outcomes.
  • SP0200
  • SP0201
  • SP0202
  • SP0203
  • SP7000
NZQA Level
Level 8
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Supported
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes and Performance Criteria

On completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Critically evaluate the practice and provision of clinical exercise physiology

2. Apply the scope of clinical exercise physiology practice to design, prescribe and monitor individualized exercise programmes both on a one-to-one basis and in group sessions for disease prevention and rehabilitation.

3. Critically evaluate specific topics in clinical exercise physiology theory and practice

1. Current practice and provision of clinical exercise physiology
2. The scope of rehabilitation practice in New Zealand
3. Specific topics in final-phase clinical exercise physiology
Assessment Criteria
Criteria: Achievement based

The student is required to gain an overall mark of 50 or greater to pass this module.

Teaching and Learning Strategy
A variety of teaching and learning methods will be used in this course. Lectures and discussions are initially utilised to introduce key themes/concepts to the students. Relevant academics and practitioners will be invited to present material and participate in discussions. Group work will be implemented to explore key concepts and report these back to the class. Literature reviews will be conducted to explore the current knowledge of clinical exercise physiology. Finally, laboratories and case studies with clients attending the Wintec Biokinetic Clinic are conducted to give students experience in clinical exercise physiology practice and allow students to receive critical feedback from peers and practitioners.
Learning and Teaching Resource
Recommended Texts and Readings

An extended reading list will be supplied by the lecturer at commencement of the module. This will be updated annually.

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