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LADE301 – Material Requirements

Module code
Module title
Material Requirements
The aim of this module is to develop student’s knowledge and skill in understanding materials required for timber construction, and to order materials for timber landscape features.
  • SX1702
  • WB2670
  • WB2676
  • WB2678
NZQA Level
Level 3
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Supported
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Teaching and Learning Strategy
As per Ako: Teaching and Learning Directions – Project-based learning; Flipped Classroom; Blended Learning; Work-integrated Learning; Inclusive Practices
Learning Outcomes
1. Describe timber features, and fastenings and fixings.
2. Prepare an order of materials, and complete documentation for timber landscape features.
- Grades or indigenous and exotic timbers, their uses and limitations
- Methods of timber preservation, and factors affecting their effectiveness
- Durability and limitations of using timber without preservation in landscape work; natives and exotics
- Features and factors contributing to timber quality
- Types and uses of fastening and fixing for timber work.
- Timber selection suitable for landscape work and site requirements
- Timber quantity calculations for a timber feature
- Selecting, calculating quantities of fastening and fixings for a timber feature.
Learning and Teaching Resource
- Tutorial notes, exercises and readings, flexible, blended learning focus on content and material as projects for project based learning.
- Interactive Moodle platform..
Assessment Criteria
Assessment in this module is mixed mode. Students must gain a minimum mark of 50% in the achievement-based assessments and meet all the requirements of the competency-based assessments including carrying out all tasks in a safe manner and to industry standard to be eligible for a final grade for this module. The final grade will be based on the marks from the achievement-based assessment tasks. Where there are only competency components, pass or fail will be awarded.

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