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HORT429 – Evaluation and Pruning

Module code
Module title
Evaluation and Pruning
The aim of this module is to develop students knowledge and skill in evaluating, pruning and training amenity trees
  • SX1703
NZQA Level
Level 4
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Supported
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
Evaluate plants before pruning and training
Modify plant growth by pruning and training
-Intended use and aesthetic value of plants in seasonal management plan; shape, form, colour, texture, sound, scent
-Natural growth characteristics and size of plants
-Variation from growth patterns identification and assessment of corrective action
-Plant suitability for use and scope of modification; size limitation, shape control, leaf and /or fruit fall management, on-going plant maintenance
-Plant growth habits; open, weeping, columnar, dome, conical, rounded
-Tool selection and pruning to promote; desired flowering, fruiting, foliage and stem renewal
-Pruning and training techniques, three required
-Pruning and training to correct defects or damage; five required
Assessment Criteria
Assessment in this module is competency-based. In order to pass this module, students must attempt and meet all the requirements of the competency-based assessments including carrying out all tasks in a safe manner and to industry standard
Teaching and Learning Strategy
Theoretical face-to-face and online sessions including tutorials, workshops, group activities, discussion, workbooks, independent learning, and assignments.

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