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GEDU405 – Early Childhood Pathway

Module code
Module title
Early Childhood Pathway
The aim of this module is to provide students with skills and knowledge relevant to the Early Childhood career pathway.
  • EF1804
NZQA Level
Level 4
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
Describe key concepts related to the developmental needs of infants, toddlers and young children.
Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the importance of safety for infants, toddlers and young children.
Create, use and evaluate play resources for an infant, toddler or young child.
Select and apply literacy, numeracy and digital skills to early childhood-relevant tasks and problems
-Children's developmental needs; Infants, toddlers and young children
-Te Whriki
-Safety and Play; public play spaces, regulations, hazards, accidents, safe equipment
-Play resources; resource analysis;
-critical thinking; problem solving; independent thinking; personal reflection
-Research Skills; locating relevant information; sharing information using a range of media
Teaching and Learning Strategy
Students will gain knowledge, skills, capabilities and attitudes by participating in classroom and practical sessions that may include face to face tutor led targeted teaching sessions; tutor demonstrations; collaborative group activities and discussions; student seminars and/or presentations; simulated activities and role plays; guest speakers; and practical workshops. All teaching and learning will be web-supported.
Assessment Criteria
Portfolio 100
The portfolio is comprised of multiple components. To pass this module, students must attempt each component and achieve an overall pass grade of 50.
Learning and Teaching Resource
A full set of resources will be issued for this module, including course work and assessment materials, a list of recommended/required texts/library books, and web-based resources. Students will also be encouraged to use the library and other resources that can be accessed at Wintec.

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