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DE6314 – Commercial and Light Industrial RAC Systems

Module code
Module title
Commercial and Light Industrial RAC Systems
To demonstrate and apply knowledge of design, select components for, and prepare design documents for commercial and light industrial Refrigeration and Air Conditioning systems
  • EN1603
  • SC1101
NZQA Level
Level 6
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate knowledge of commercial and light industrial refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
2. Investigate and design commercial and light industrial refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
3. Select components for commercial and light industrial refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
4. Prepare design documents for commercial and light industrial refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
- Commercial and light industrial refrigeration and air conditioning system types, layout, operation, performance
- Calculation or specification of system parameters, including load estimation, heat transfer, refrigerant circulation, pressures, temperatures and phase changes, type of refrigerant, compressor protection, oil management, capacity control, pressure control, temperature control, insulation, energy use, corrosion control, health and safety.
- Components; operating principles, construction, and capacity, and selection, including refrigerants, compressors, condensers, evaporators, receivers, oil separators, suction accumulators, pipes and associated fittings, insulation, pressure control valves, capacity control devices, defrosting devices, protective devices, temperature controlled enclosures such as cool-rooms and freezer rooms, proprietary components for split air conditioning units and VRF systems
- Designing documents, sketch plans, schematic drawings, components specifications, prediction of energy use, key parameters.
Assessment Criteria
Assignment 10%
Laboratory (Practical) 10%
Project 80%

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