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COMC415 – Mental Health and Addiction Support Practicum 2

Module code
Module title
Mental Health and Addiction Support Practicum 2
To enable students to extend and integrate their knowledge, skills, values and behaviours relevant to the support worker role in the mental health and addiction sector. Includes 120 hours of work placement.
  • HS1801
NZQA Level
Level 4
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Enhanced
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate an understanding of the relevance of Te Ao Mori, the status of tangata whenua and the importance of tikanga practices for the mental health and addiction workforce.
Use knowledge of diverse issues experienced by contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand society to inform own practice in the mental health and addiction workforce.
Integrate knowledge, skills, behaviours, values and attitudes for support work practice in the mental health and addiction workforce.
Use a reflective approach to own practice as a support worker in the mental health and addiction workforce.
-Agency Ethics
-Agency policies
-Agency professional practice
-Privacy and confidentiality
-Tikanga practice
-Identifying appropriate support options
-Recovery models
-Engagement skills (including rapport building, empathy, cultural support, feedback skills, respect, commitment to partnership)
-Parameters of support worker role
-Professional behaviours including reflective practice and self-awareness, self-care and supervision, standards of appearance in the workplace
Teaching and Learning Strategy
Teaching will involve blended delivery methods incorporating the Moodle online delivery platform. Other delivery methods may involve theoretical and practical classes, face to face, lectures, tutorials, workshops, group activities, guest tutors, role-play, and video conferencing, as appropriate.
Work placement
Group Supervision
Assessment Criteria
The portfolio is comprised of multiple components. To pass this module, students need to attempt all components and gain an overall mark of 50%. Students must also meet all the requirements of the competency-based components, including 120 hours work placement. The final grade will be based on the marks from the achievement-based components
Learning and Teaching Resource
Resources will be supplied via Moodle at commencement of the module. This will be updated annually.

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