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BEAU402 – The Science of Beauty Therapy

Module code
Module title
The Science of Beauty Therapy
To provide students with an underpinning knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the human body applicable to a beauty therapy context.
  • SI1901
NZQA Level
Level 4
NZQA Credits
Delivery method
  • Web-Supported
Learning hours
Total learning hours
Resources required
Learning Outcomes
1. Identify and describe human body systems, organs and general functions as relevant to beauty therapy services.
2. Understand the fundamentals of chemistry to enable identification and explanation of the chemical composition of beauty therapy products.
- The organisational structure of the human body.
- The integumentary system.
- The structure and function of the skeleton.
- Diseases and disorders of the skeletal system
- The structure and function of the muscular system.
- Diseases and disorders of the muscular system.
- The structure and function of the cardiovascular system.
- Diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system.
- The structure, function and location of the lymphatic system.
- Diseases and disorders of the lymphatic system.
- The structure, function and location of the nervous system.
- Diseases and disorders of the nervous system.
- Chemistry.
- Cosmetic preparations.
Assessment Criteria
Assessment in this module is achievement based. To pass this module all assessments must be submitted and an overall pass mark of 50% is required. The final grade will be based on the marks from the achievement-based tasks.

Teaching and Learning Strategy
- Student centred learning
- E-learning (Moodle; Mahara)
- Tutorials
- Group activities
- Inquiry based learning
- Practical learning.
- Face to Face
- Lectures
- Discussion
- Self-directed learning
- Project-based learning

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